DBS checks: police performance summary
Quarterly summary of how disclosure units have performed against published service standards, and average turnaround times for DBS checks at each police force.
Tracking your application
You can use online tracking to check the progress of your DBS application.
If you have any other queries you can contact us.
Average turnaround times for DBS checks at police forces
This is taken from the first time a force is sent a check for an applicant, to the last time they close a check for the same applicant, but doesn’t include conflict time.
It includes time it may have taken an applicant to respond to any representations requested by police forces, which can impact on the overall time at force. One application could be sent to different forces.
Factors affecting police performance
Past police performance is not indicative of current or future performance. Performance can vary month-by-month as a result of any combination of the following factors:
- demand - fluctuations in demand for DBS checks, over and above anticipated volumes (police are staffed and resourced according to forecast application intake volumes)
- staffing - local recruitment and retention issues
- systems/process - system changes, additions, upgrades and associated changes to processes and practices (including those that arise from changes in legislation and from government directives)
The police performance against these service standards is published on a monthly basis.
Use the tabs along the bottom of the document to view monthly statistics.
Updates to this page
Published 25 March 2013Last updated 28 April 2021 + show all updates
Dataset updated to include data up to and including March 2021.
Police performance summary attachment updated to including data up to and including December 2020.
Data added for April 2020 to June 2020.
Data added up to March 2020.
Most up-to-date figures added.
Data amended within 'Average turnaround times' attachment. Figures updated as necessary.
Updated Information added for April-June 2018
DBS police performance summary updated.
Newly updated
Added available performance figures for September. Also added average turnaround figures for October.
Added available statistics for August and turnaround times for September.
Added available figures for July 2016.
Data added for May 2016.
Added available data for April 2016.
Added 60 day figures for February and available data for March 2016.
Added available figures for January 2016.
Added figures for December 2015.
Added police performance for November 2015.
Added available figures for October 2015.
Added 60 day figures for August and available data for September 2015.
Added 60 day figures for June and available data for July 2015.
Added 60 day figures for May and available data for June 2015.
Added 60 day figures for April and available data for May 2015.
Added the available statistics for April and 60 day figures for March.
Added all figures for February and 95% figures for March.
Added available statistics for March 2015.
Added 60 day figures for December and available data for Janaury/February 2015.
Added statistics for December and 60 day figures for November.
Added the figures for November and 60 day figures for October.
Uploaded performance figures for October 2014.
Added the figures for September and 60 day figures for August.
Added the figures for August and 60 day figures for July.
Added the figures for July and 60 day figures for June.
Added the figures for June and 60 day figures for May.
Added the figures for May and 60 day figures for April.
Added the figures for April and 60 day figures for March.
Added the 95% achieved in 25 days statistics for March.
Added statistics for March 2014.
Added performance figures for January 2014.
Added the 100% completed in 60 days figures to the November statistics.
Added the police performance figures for December 2013.
Added statistics for 95% of checks completed in 25 days.
Added performance figures for November 2013.
Added the 100% completed in 60 days figures to the September statistics.
Added the performance figures for October 2013.
Added the 100% completed in 60 days figures to the August statistics.
Update to the September figures - added the statistics for 95% completed in 25 days.
Added performance figures for September.
Added the 60 day target figures for July and data for August.
Added the July target figures for achieving 95% output in 25 days.
Completed figures for June and added figures for July.
Added police performance figures for June 2013.
added police performance for May 2013.
Uploaded Police performance data document
Replaced barring document
Replaced documents
Added new data.
Removed version of stats until next week.
Updated the criminal record performance document.
Added a new version of Police performance to be published.
First published.