Official Statistics

Pre-release access to DCMS Sectors Economic Estimates: Monthly GVA (to June 2024)

Published 20 August 2024

In accordance with the conditions for pre-release access to Official Statistics set out in the DCMS Statement of Compliance, the following Ministers and officials received privileged early access to the DCMS Sector Economic Estimates: Monthly GVA to June 2024.

  • Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport
  • Minister for Creative Industries, Arts and Tourism
  • Minister for Sport, Media, Civil Society and Youth
  • Minister for Gambling and Lords Minister
  • Permanent Secretary
  • Director General – Strategy and Operations
  • Joint-Director General – Policy Group (2)
  • Director of Analysis
  • Deputy Director – Central Analysis Team
  • Deputy Director - Spoke Analysis Team
  • Head of Civil Society and Youth Analysis
  • Head of Culture and Creative Industries Analysis
  • Economic Advisor - Sport
  • Economic Advisor - Civil Society
  • Economic Advisor - Heritage
  • Economic advisor - Museums
  • Head of Creative Industries Analysis
  • Director of Communications
  • Deputy Director of Communications
  • Head of News - News and Communications
  • Chief Press Officer – Arts, Culture & Ceremonials
  • Senior Press Officer - News and Communications (2)
  • Communications Officer - News and Communications
  • Special Advisers (2)

Pre-release access to Ministers, Special Advisors and senior officials includes their private secretaries