DCMS Sector Economic Estimates: Employment Oct 2020 - Sep 2021
Estimate of the number of filled jobs in the DCMS Sectors, for the period October 2020 to September 2021.
This data has been revised since publication.
For DCMS sector data, please see: Economic Estimates: Earnings 2023 and Employment October 2022 to September 2023 for the DCMS Sectors and Digital Sector
For Digital sector data, please see: Economic Estimates: Earnings 2023 and Employment October 2022 to September 2023 for the DCMS Sectors and Digital Sector
Last update: 10 February 2022 Next update: July 2022 Geographic coverage: UK
Headline Findings
There were, on average, 4.2 million filled jobs (12.7% of the UK total) in DCMS sectors (excluding Tourism) in the 12 month period between October 2020 and September 2021, a 1.7% increase compared to the preceding 12 months. Over the same period total UK filled jobs fell by 1.2%.
The Creative Industries had the most jobs with 2.3 million, followed by the Digital Sector (1.8 million) and Civil Society (0.9 million). The sector with the fewest jobs was Gambling at 76 thousand.
Revision note
On Friday 4th November, we removed the DCMS statistics on socio-economic background and current occupation, using data from the Labour Force Survey (LFS) for the period July to September 2021.
This is because ONS have identified an issue with the way their underlying survey data has been assigned to the refreshed SOC2020 codes that were used to calculate these estimates in this publication. ONS expects to resolve the issue by Spring 2023.
No other data in this release is affected. Data covering July to September 2020 for socio-economic background and current occupation is unaffected by the issue.
About this release
These Economic Estimates are National Statistics used to provide an estimate of employment (number of filled jobs) in the DCMS Sectors, for the period October 2020 to September 2021. The findings are calculated based on the ONS Annual Population Survey (APS).
These statistics cover the contributions of the following DCMS sectors to the UK economy;
- Civil Society
- Creative Industries
- Cultural Sector
- Digital Sector
- Gambling
- Sport
- Telecoms
A definition for each sector is available in the accompanying technical document along with details of methods and data limitations.
The UK Statistics Authority
This release is published in accordance with the Code of Practice for Statistics (2018) produced by the UK Statistics Authority (UKSA). The UKSA has the overall objective of promoting and safeguarding the production and publication of official statistics that serve the public good. It monitors and reports on all official statistics, and promotes good practice in this area.
Pre-release access
The accompanying pre-release access document lists ministers and officials who have received privileged early access to this release. In line with best practice, the list has been kept to a minimum and those given access for briefing purposes had a maximum of 24 hours.
Responsible analyst: George Ashford
For any queries or feedback, please contact evidence@dcms.gov.uk.