Destinations of KS4 and KS5 pupils by characteristics: 2011
Students in further education, employment and training destinations in the 2010 to 2011 academic year.
Applies to England
These are experimental statistics on the destinations of KS4 and KS5 pupils by characteristics.
It identifies, for the first time, pupils’ education and employment destinations by:
- gender
- ethnicity
- free school meals
- special educational needs (SEN)
- learning difficulties and/or disabilities (LDD)
Contact details
Destination measures statistics team
Updates to this page
Updated 2010 to 2011 free school meals tables to reflect the free school meals methodology introduced in 2011 to 2012.
Technical note updated.
Additional tables added covering key stage 5 special education needs/learning difficulties and/or disabilities.
The KS5 ethnicity tables were updated on 26th July. Changes have been made to the school sheets in the KS5 Ethnicity tables and the Ethnicity Local Authority sheets in the KS5 All Data tables.
First published.