Destinations of KS4 and 16 to 18 (KS5) students: 2018
Data on key stage 4 (KS4) and 16 to 18 (KS5) students going into apprenticeship, education and employment destinations.
Applies to England
This release provides information on the destinations of students reaching the end of key stage 4, 16 to 18 study, and also a new progression to higher education and training to measure:
- pupils who finished key stage 4 in 2016 to 2017 (destinations in the year following institution attendance)
- students who reached the end of 16 to 18 study in 2016 to 2017 (destinations in the year following institution attendance) - this cohort now includes additional students who took qualifications below level 3
- students who reached the end of 16 to 18 study in 2015 to 2016 (progression to higher education or training over 2 years after A levels or other level 3 qualifications, including a value-added score)
- pupils who finished key stage 4 in 2012 to 2013 and their activity 1, 3 and 5 years following institution attendance
The releases give breakdowns for specific student characteristics and institution types.
Destination measures statistics team
Updates to this page
Published revised 'Destinations of KS4 and 16 to 18 students 2018: key stage 4 institution level tables' and updated 'Destinations of KS4 and 16 to 18 students 2018: additional and underlying data'.
Added revised 16 to 18 institutional level tables and key stage 4 longer term destinations tables and commentary. Added revised progression to higher education and learning tables following an improvement in the processing.
First published.