Response to July 2017 consulation about frequency of publication
Updated 22 July 2020
Latest consultation
In July 2020, we ran a consultation on the proposal to stop publishing the Diffuse Mesothelioma Payment Scheme (DMPS) Official Statistics. Read the response to that consultation.
In July 2017, we ran a public consultation on our proposed change to the frequency of the Diffuse Mesothelioma Payment Scheme (DMPS) Official Statistics publication.
We invited users to provide comments on the proposed change of frequency. In summary, the proposals were:
- to reduce the frequency of the publication from six-monthly to annual
- no reduction in the amount of data released
- all supporting data to continue to be published as spreadsheets together with published documents
We received 8 responses on these proposals, all expressing their preference for the publications to continue on a six-monthly basis. However, the number of external downloads of the publication during the consultation period was well over 100, which suggests the majority of users did not respond to the consultation.
Separately, Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) officials have consulted key stakeholders via their Oversight Committee (the Committee was set up to ensure that the DMPS receives sufficient scrutiny and to complement DWP’s own monitoring of the Scheme).
The Oversight Committee thought it was simpler, and more sensible, to have the publications annually providing there continued to be transparency of the Scheme data, and presented as clearly as possible. They were fully supportive of the proposal. The Committee members speak for the key interest groups on this issue.
Based on this engagement with the Oversight Committee, the fact that outcomes of the main statistical measures covered in the release have been relatively stable over time, and the need to use government’s limited resources in the most efficient ways, we will reduce the frequency of the publication to annual.
Next publication
The next publication will be in summer 2018, and will cover relevant data for the period of 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2018 inclusive. Future publications will be published annually thereafter.
DWP officials will continue their engagement with the industry to ensure any concerns associated with the change in the frequency of the publications are addressed.
In the meantime we continue to welcome users’ views, so please provide any further feedback by email to:
Copy of original consultation
This statistical notice invites users to provide comments on the proposed change of frequency of the ‘Diffuse Mesothelioma Payment Scheme’ Official Statistics publication.
In summary, the proposals are:
- to reduce the frequency of the publication from biannual to annual, publishing the official statistics annually in May or June including data up to the end of the previous March
- no reduction in the amount of data released, just a change in frequency
To help us to identify users, level of usage and alternative options, please provide comments on these proposals by 7 August 2017. Please include an indication of the impact level (including nil, minimal and high) and purpose that the publication is used. Annex A provides an optional template for you to provide feedback.*
Call: 0191 4048240
*Annex A was removed from the website on 11 December 2017.