Diversity of the judiciary: 2024 statistics
Annual official statistics on judicial diversity in England and Wales covering the current judiciary, judicial appointments and legal professions.
Applies to England and Wales
This bulletin presents the latest statistics on judicial diversity for England and Wales, covering:
court and tribunal judges, non-legal members of tribunals, judges sitting in retirement, and magistrates in post as at 1 April 2024
judicial selection exercises completed during the financial year ending 31 March 2024, with additional data on judicial selection exercises completed between 1 April 2021 and 31 March 2024
magistrates recruitment in 2022-23 and 2023-24
legal professions as at 1 April 2024
These statistics provide the main source for monitoring patterns and trends in judicial diversity, and bring together in one place diversity statistics for those in post, during selection and for the legal professions which are the source of much of the judiciary.
The supporting user guide and quality statement provide background information on the judiciary, definitions, methodology used, the quality of the statistics and other useful sources of related information.
Statistics for years prior to 2020 were published in the Judicial Office judicial diversity statistics and by the Judicial Appointments Commission.
Updates to this page
It was identified that further to the update on new entrant judges, the relevant in-post figures also needed to be updated. Therefore tables 3_1_JO_Appt, 3_2_JO_Area, 3_3_Intersections, and 3_4_Trends have now been updated and revised tables have now been uploaded. These updated figures have also been reflected in the report, in Figures 18, 21 and 27, and the accompanying text.
It was identified that on tables 3_1_JO_Appt and 3_2_JO_Area, the declaration of ethnicity and professional background for new entrants were incomplete. These have now been rectified and revised tables have now been uploaded. These updated figures have also been reflected in the report, in Figures 20 and 26 and the accompanying text.
First published.