DWP benefits statistics: May 2019
Statistics on DWP-administered benefits.
Data on Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) benefits is released quarterly through:
- Stat-Xplore
- data tables
A statistical summary document is published on a 6 monthly basis in February and August each year. It contains a high level summary of the latest National Statistics on Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) benefits.
During the quality assurance of Bereavement Support Payment (BSP) experimental official statistics, DWP statisticians have identified an issue with claims in payment figures. The data tables have been removed from the May and August 2019 publications. Tables 2-7 have been removed from the November 2019 publication. Table 1 is still available in the November publication onwards. Further information can be found on the DWP benefits statistics collection page and in the “Welfare and Benefits” community on StatsUserNet. Email stats-consultation@dwp.gov.uk if you have any comments or questions.
Data on Stat-Xplore
The data on Stat-Xplore has been extended to include Jobseeker’s Allowance, Incapacity Benefit and Severe Disablement Allowance, and a timeseries for Income Support from August 1999.
Due to the improvements made to Stat-Xplore, May 2019 will be the last time NOMIS is updated for the datasets listed under “Work and Pensions Longitudinal Study” and August 2019 will be the last update of the “5% Sample Data”. We will remove both products from NOMIS from November 2019. Please contact alan.gibson@dwp.gov.uk if you have any comments about this.
Find further information about the statistics, including details on changes and revisions, in the background and methodology documents.