DWP statistical summaries 2013
Monthly and quarterly DWP statistical summaries for 2013.
Applies to England, Scotland and Wales
This page contains monthly and quarterly DWP statistical summaries for 2013.
Monthly statistical summaries
Monthly statistical summaries provide early caseload estimates for the following working age inactive benefit client groups:
- lone parents receiving Income Support
- Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) / incapacity benefit claimants in receipt of ESA, Incapacity Benefit, Severe Disablement Allowance, Income Support or Pension Credit
- ESA / incapacity benefit claimants receiving National Insurance credits only
The monthly early caseload estimates for working age benefit client groups are replaced later by national statistics covering the same period in DWP quarterly statistical summaries. Early caseload estimates are therefore not a replacement for national statistics.
The latest early caseload estimates for working age inactive benefit client groups can be found in the 2014 statistical summaries
Read further guidance on early caseload estimates for working age inactive benefit client groups.
Quarterly statistical summaries
Quarterly statistical summaries provide final national statistics on caseloads for all the main DWP administered benefits and Jobseeker’s Allowance sanctions.
To provide a more complete picture of DWP responsibilities, statistics on Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit (administered by local authorities) and the Child Support Agency are also included.
These figures are usually released 5 to 6 months after their reference period. For example, data up to the end of May 2013 was published in November 2013.
Quarterly statistical summaries also provide the latest available monthly data on early caseload estimates for working age inactive benefit client groups.
Contacts and more information
More information about DWP statistical summaries and how they can be used is available on the DWP statistical summaries series page.
There is contact information and more about DWP statistics on the Statistics at DWP page.
Updates to this page
Link added to the 2014 Statistical Summaries page
Monthly Statistical Summary: December 2013 published
Quarterly statistical summary for November 2013 added to the page
Added monthly DWP statistical summary October 2013 (data to August 2013).
Added statistical summary for September 2013.
'Statistical summary: August 2013' published.
'Statistical summary: July 2013' published.
Link to more information about statistical summaries added.
First published.
Published statistical summary: June 2013