DWP benefits statistical summaries 2017
Quarterly statistics on DWP administered benefits and benefit sanctions.
Breakdowns containing medical conditions and International Classification of Diseases (ICD) codes for Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) have been removed from the data tables and Stat-Xplore for data prior to February 2018. This is due to the discovery of a discrepancy with the methodology. This information has been published again for ESA, Incapacity Benefit and Severe Disablement Allowance as part of the August 2018 release reflecting data as at February 2018. We have no plans to reproduce a back-series of the data. Please see the background information note for more information about this.
On 11 April 2018 a new set of data tables (sp_5pc_nov17.ods) for State Pension caseload statistics was added to the ‘Quarterly benefits summary: November 2017 (supporting data tables)’ zip file.
The quarterly benefits summary is a high level summary of the latest National Statistics on Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) benefits and sanctions. We publish the summary in May, August, November and February. The quarterly benefits summary used to be called the quarterly statistical summary.
The DWP benefits statistical summaries collection page has more information about the summaries.
Monthly statistical summaries
The monthly statistical summaries are no longer being published. This follows a review that found there was not enough demand for these publications.
The monthly statistical summaries provided early estimates of the number of claimants on the main working-age benefits. These early estimates were then replaced by National Statistics covering the same period in the quarterly benefits summary. The National Statistics are the finalised figures. The early estimates will not be included in the quarterly benefits summaries.
There is contact information and more about DWP statistics on the Statistics at DWP page.
Updates to this page
Published revised versions of the ZIP file of supporting data tables for the Quarterly statistical summaries for February 2017, May 2017, August 2017 and November 2017. In each ZIP file the breakdowns for the medical conditions and International Classification of Diseases (ICD) codes have been removed from the Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) caseload statistics data tables. More information about this has been added to the contents tab in each ESA data table.
Revised versions of the following tables have been published in the supporting data tables ZIP file for November 2017: 1) Attendance Allowance (aa_ent_nov17.ods), the region header has been updated; 2) Incapacity Benefit (ib_nov17.ods), in table 8 the average amounts for 2 local authorities in Wales and 8 in Scotland have been corrected and; 3) Jobseeker's Allowance (jsa_nov17.ods), the claimant living abroad/Unknown average amount in table 8 has been revised. Also added to the ZIP file is a new set of tables, State Pension caseload statistics (sp_5pc_nov17.ods).
Added a note stating that DWP is investigating a discrepancy with the medical condition/International Classification of Diseases (ICD) codes for Employment and Support Allowance, Incapacity Benefit and Severe Disablement Allowance.
Published a revised version of the supporting data tables (ZIP file) for the November 2017 release. The revised file now includes average weekly amounts for all benefits.
Added 'Quarterly benefits summary: November 2017' and additional supporting tables in a ZIP file.
Added 'Quarterly benefits summary: August 2017' and additional supporting tables in a ZIP file. Please note, the quarterly benefits summary used to be called the quarterly statistical summary.
Added 'Quarterly statistical summary: May 2017' and additional supporting tables in a ZIP file.
Corrected the availability for work, other employment programmes and reason for leaving previous employment graphs on page 8 of 'Quarterly statistical summary: February 2017'.
Added monthly DWP statistical summary: April 2017 (data to 28 February 2017).
Added monthly DWP statistical summaries: March 2017 (data to 31 January 2017) and published a revised version of the supporting data tables (ZIP file) for the February 2017 release. In the previous version, the headings for Wales and Scotland in the 'Time Series by Region' tables were incorrectly labelled. This meant that the figures quoted for Scotland were actually those for Wales, and vice-versa.
Added 'Quarterly statistical summary: February 2017' and additional supporting tables (in a ZIP file) for each benefit apart from Personal Independence Payment and Universal Credit.
First published.