Freedom of Information statistics - January 2010 - June 2012
National Statistics on handling of requests for information under the Freedom of Information Act by over 40 central government bodies, including all departments of state.
- From:
- Ministry of Justice
- Published
- 12 December 2012
- Last updated
- 25 April 2013 — See all updates
Freedom of Information Act 2000 – Statistics on implementation in central government Q2: April - June 2012
PDF, 174 KB, 35 pages
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April to June 2012 statistical tables
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 153 KB
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April to June 2012 full statistical data
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 57 KB
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FOI CSV Q2 2012 published data
CSV, 158 KB
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January to March 2012 statistical tables
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 148 KB
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January to March 2012 full statistical data
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 54.5 KB
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FOI CSV Q1 2012 published data
CSV, 146 KB
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Freedom of Information Act 2000 – Statistics on implementation in central government Q4: October - December 2011
PDF, 370 KB, 64 pages
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October to December 2011 statistical tables
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 364 KB
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October to December 2011 full statistical data
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 107 KB
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FOI CSV Q4 published data
CSV, 133 KB
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July to September 2011
PDF, 163 KB, 33 pages
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July to September 2011 statistical tables
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 147 KB
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July to September 2011 statistical data
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 55 KB
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FOI CSV - published data
CSV, 106 KB
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April to June 2011
PDF, 169 KB, 33 pages
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April to June 2011 statistical tables
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 108 KB
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April to June 2011 full statistical data
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 55.5 KB
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FOI CSV - published data
CSV, 93.6 KB
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January to March 2011
PDF, 259 KB, 33 pages
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January to March 2011 statistical tables
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 163 KB
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January to March 2011 full statistical data
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 56 KB
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October to December (including 2010 Annual)
PDF, 773 KB, 64 pages
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October to December (including 2010 Annual) statistical tables
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 377 KB
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October to December (including 2010 Annual) full statistical data
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 109 KB
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July to September 2010
PDF, 186 KB, 36 pages
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July to September 2010 statistical tables
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 149 KB
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July to September 2010 full statistical data
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 56 KB
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April to June 2010
PDF, 560 KB, 42 pages
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April to June 2010 statistical tables
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 140 KB
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April to June 2010 full statistical data
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 56 KB
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January to March 2010
PDF, 190 KB, 38 pages
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January to March 2010 statistical tables
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 139 KB
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January to March 2010 full statistical data
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 56 KB
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2009 statistical tables
PDF, 220 KB, 50 pages
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2009 statistical tables
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 214 KB
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2009 full statistical data
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 68 KB
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Statistical notice on changes to 2011 edition of the annual statistics
PDF, 29.6 KB, 4 pages
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Statistical notice on changes to Q1 2010 edition of the FOI statistics
PDF, 35.5 KB, 3 pages
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Statistics on handling of requests for information under the Freedom of Information Act by over 40 central government bodies, including all departments of state.
The annual statistics cover the implementation and operation of the Act 2000 in central government. The publication draws together the quarterly statistics for the year and analyses the longer-term trends.
Figures are derived from manual returns submitted by participating bodies, and cover timeliness of responses, outcomes of requests, and use of the appeal process.
Statistical notice
In addition to Ministry of Justice professional and production staff, pre-release access to the quarterly statistics of up to 24 hours is granted to the following postholders:
Ministry of Justice: Secretary of State, Minister of State, Permanent Secretary, Information Director, Head of Information Policy Division, Head of FOI Policy and Strategy Unit, Head of Data Access and Compliance Unit, special advisers and the relevant press officer.
Other monitored bodies: The statistics are compiled with the assistance of freedom of information officers in each monitored body, although these officials do not have pre-release access to the final quarterly bulletin prior to publication.
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