Early years foundation stage profile results: 2017 to 2018
Early years foundation stage profile (EYFSP) results for the 2017 to 2018 academic year, at national and local authority level.
Applies to England
This publication covers the:
- percentage of children achieving each assessment rating in the early learning goals
- percentage of children achieving at least the expected level in the prime areas of learning and in the specific areas of literacy and mathematics (a good level of development)
- average total points score across all the early learning goals (the supporting measure)
- percentage of children achieving at least the expected level within the communication and language, and literacy areas of learning
The additional tables provide national and local-authority-level information on EYFSP attainment by pupil characteristics, specifically:
- gender
- ethnicity
- eligibility for free school meals
- special educational needs
- English as a first language
- month of birth (national level information only)
- deprived areas
In addition to the tables and underlying data we are have published an ‘Early Years Outcomes’ dashboard.
Early years statistics team
Email EarlyYears.STATISTICS@education.gov.uk
Telephone: Chris Noble 01325 340 688
Updates to this page
Published 18 October 2018Last updated 14 October 2019 + show all updates
Removed information regarding request for feedback on 2019 publications.
Added information following request for feedback on 2019 publications.
Added information about planned changes to 2019 publication.
Added a link to the 'Early years outcomes dashboard'.
Added additional tables documents to provide information on early years foundation stage profile attainment by pupil characteristics.
First published.