Electric vehicle charging device statistics: October 2023
The number of publicly available electric vehicle charging devices in the UK.
Experimental statistics on the number of publicly available electric vehicle charging devices in the UK in October 2023, broken down by local authority.
This release showcases the first instalment of new speed category breakdowns, which we will be moving to in this release series going forward. The new categories are 3 kilowatts (kW) up to 8kW, 8kW to 49kW, 50kW to 149kW and 150kW and above. The Office for Zero Emission Vehicles (OZEV) are working with industry on the naming conventions for these new categories; until these are determined we will refer to the new categories by their power rating in this release series.
We welcome feedback on this quarterly publication. If you have any feedback or questions, please contact us using the details below.
Data sourced from the electric vehicle charging point platform Zapmap.
An interactive map of this data is available.
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Transport energy and environment statistics
Email environment.stats@dft.gov.uk
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