Employee Share Scheme statistics
Statistics on the tax-advantaged Employee Share Schemes.
This series contains statistics on the tax-advantaged employee share schemes, including the numbers of companies using schemes, numbers of employees receiving awards or numbers of awards, values awarded, numbers of employees exercising options and estimates of the value of the Income Tax and National Insurance relief received.
The statistics are based on share scheme returns, and more information on this can be found in the published commentary.
Tables for previous years
You can find all tables for previous years and the survey of users’ views on the National Archives website.
We are reviewing the robustness of data used to produce past statistics for the period up to tax year ending 2021. Please see the latest commentary for further information.
Updates to this page
Updated for data for tax year ending 2023.
We have updated for the tax year ending 2022 and withdrawn estimates for previous years. We have also withdrawn the background policy document and added the relevant sections to the background quality report.
For the time being, the statistics have been removed from this webpage due to identifying a potential data issue which could impact the Employee Share Schemes Statistics. Our new publication will include statistics for the tax year ending 2022 as we are continuing to review the robustness of data used to produce statistics for earlier years.
Updated the summary and body section to notify of delay to Employee Share Scheme statistics scheduled for June 2023.
Updated the data for the tax year ending 2021. Improved the information on the policy designs for the background report. The quality report has been made to line up more with new guidelines,
First published.