Employment Schemes: work experience, sector-based work academy and skills conditionality starts to November 2017
This includes ongoing schemes that were previously published under the 'Youth Offer' and 'Mandatory Programmes' official statistics.
These publications include official statistics on:
- work experience starts
- sector-based work academy starts
- skills conditionality referrals and starts
The data tables provide detailed breakdowns and historical data.
Work experience helps people with little or no work experience gain the experience they need to secure a job.
Sector-based work academies offer pre-employment training, work experience placements and a guaranteed job interview for recipients of some of DWP’s main benefits.
Skills conditionality offers a range of support including initial provider interview, training placement and National Career Service referral.
Read the background information and methodology note for more information about the statistics.
Consultation on changes to the Employment Schemes statistics
Our data analytics show that there isn’t a high demand for these experimental statistics, so we are proposing that this publication will be the last in the series.
Email aniel.anand@dwp.gov.uk with any feedback on this proposal, by 30 September 2018.
We will publish the result of this consultation on the collection of Employment Scheme statistics page.
Updates to this page
Published 11 July 2018Last updated 3 August 2018 + show all updates
Published a revised version of the PDF. A revision has been made to the values on the vertical axis of the skills conditionality chart on page 1, and the email address on page 2 has been corrected. No changes have been made to the data tables.
First published.