Entries for GCSE, AS and A level: summer 2018 exam series
Number of provisional entries by age group and subject for GCSEs, Level 1/ Level 2, AS and A levels in England for the summer 2018 exam series.
Applies to England
Main trends
- GCSE entries in summer 2018 (5.1m) increased by just under 1% compared to summer 2017.
- GCSE entries are mostly from year 11 students; entries from both year 11 and year 12 and above have increased slightly in 2018 compared to 2017, while entries from year 10 and below have continued to fall.
- A level entries have dropped slightly by 3% from 2017.
- AS entries have continued to fall (almost 60% fewer than 2017).
- Entries in EBacc subjects increased (by 5%) and entries in non-EBacc subjects decreased (by 13%) compared to 2017.
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