ESA: outcomes of Work Capability Assessments March 2014
Statistics on the outcomes of completed assessments, claims still in progress and claims closed before the assessment procedure was complete.
This publication provides statistics on:
- the outcomes of completed Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) Work Capability Assessments
- claims still in progress
- claims closed before the Work Capability Assessment process is complete
The publication covers both new claims and claims undergoing reassessment of incapacity benefits for ESA in Great Britain. Data is for claims made before the end June 2013.
Next release date: June 2014
Processing error identified
Users were notified on 7 May 2014 that DWP statisticians had identified a processing error with appeals data for the period June to December 2013 in the January 2014 and March 2014 publication.
A revision has been made to correct the historical figures in the June 2014 release. There is no change to the percentage of outcomes of appeals heard to date on fit for work decisions that are upheld and overturned. The January 2014 and March 2014 publication underestimate appeals heard at a monthly, quarterly and annual level for the period June to December 2013. Users are advised to use the most up to date publication for analysis.
Further details of both this revision and scheduled revisions are contained within Note 11 of the Statistical Bulletin published on 12 June 2014 and quality statement (see ESA: outcomes of Work Capability Assessment policies and statements).
Updates to this page
Published updated advice regarding processing errors found in the January 2014 and March 2014 publications. Removed background document (now published at
Published note regarding a processing error with Appeals data for the period June to December 2013.
First published.