Exploration of an alternative approach to calculating stop and search rates in the Metropolitan Police Force Area – Experimental Statistics
Analysis examining stop and search rates in the Metropolitan Police Service, for the year ending March 2021.
Applies to England and Wales
These Experimental Statistics explore stop and search rates for the Metropolitan Police Service at borough level for the year ending March 2021. The analysis explores traditional resident based rates at borough level and compares these to rates using suspects of police recorded violent crime.
National statistics on stop and search and arrests for notifiable offences are available here:
Police powers and procedures: Stop and search and arrests, England and Wales, year ending 31 March 2021.
Updates to this page
The text in the Conclusions section (7) of the original version of the Experimental Statistics had been erroneously duplicated. This revised version has removed the duplicate paragraphs. No other amendments to the wording or otherwise have been made.
First published.