Accredited official statistics

Family Court Data Visualisation Tools

Published 26 September 2024

1. Family Court Statistics Data Visualisation Tools

The following family court data visualisation tools allow users to explore various breakdowns within the data.

1.1 Children Act (Private Law)

Applicant and respondent relationship to child information for private law applications by order type, alongside regional and designated family judge (DFJ) area level figures in England and Wales

Private Law Visualisation Tool

1.2 Divorce

Divorce applications, conditional and final orders in England and Wales

Divorce Visualisation Tool

Divorce data in this tool has not been updated as part of the September 2024 publication due to a number of duplicates identified in the data source. We expect to reinstate this for the next publication.

We hope to expand on these data visualisation tools in the future and would welcome any feedback, including further information users may find useful.