Children And Their Outcomes Data Visualisation Tool - Experimental Data
Updated 18 December 2020
The Children And Their Outcomes (CATO) tool presents educational outcomes and demographics for children in the Family Justice System alongside comparisons with all school children. The tool is the third output from the Children in Family Justice Data Share (CFJDS), a collaborative project that has resulted in a database of child-level data linked from across Ministry of Justice, the Department for Education (DfE) and Cafcass’ databases and management information (MI) systems.
CATO has been developed to build on the existing evidence base and aims to improve data visualisation and accessibility. It joins the Public Law Application to Order (PLATO) and Who Are The Children (WATCh)? tools to help develop our understanding of the profile and outcomes for children in the system, whilst promoting openness and transparency in our statistics.
The CATO tool can be found here:
How to send us your feedback
We welcome any comments you have about the CATO tool, including your views on how it can be improved. All feedback will be used to inform our ongoing work programme to fully explore the potential of the Children in Family Justice Data Share.
Enquiries and feedback should be directed to the following e-mail address with “CATO tool feedback” in the subject: