Farm Household Income
Estimates of Household Share of Farm Business Income, Household Share of Drawings and Household Off-Farm Income.
Applies to England
This publication presents the estimates of three components of farm household income: Household Share of Farm Business Income, Household Share of Drawings and Household Off-Farm Income. These measures apply to England only and are presented by farm type and size (size is based on Standard Labour Requirements). This release covers the 2021/22 Farm Business Survey and also includes a historic time series from 2005/06 to 2014/15.
Updates to this page
The 2021/22 publication has been re-released. Within the publication, we use the terminology ‘farm household income’ to relate to three separate measures: Household Share of Farm Business Income, Household Share of Drawings, and Household Off-Farm Income. The original, and historic, definition of 'Farm Household Income' has been removed due to a concern over the data definitions.
The 2021/22 publication and corresponding dataset have been removed due to a concern over data definitions. We will review our methodology and post an update as soon as possible.
First published.