Fire prevention and protection statistics, England, April 2021 to March 2022 - second edition
This publication focuses on trends in smoke alarm ownership, fire prevention and protection activities by fire and rescue services, in England, for the financial year April 2021 to March 2022.
Applies to England
This release contains administrative statistics about prevention and protection activities carried out by fire and rescue services in England.
Updates to this page
An error was identified in the data submitted on the targeting of Home Fire Safety Checks (HFSCs) and Safe and Well Visits (SWVs). For the sub-category ‘At least one-person aged 65+ and one person disabled (can be same person)’, too many checks were allocated to the sub-category, when these checks should have been in the ‘Neither’ category. The relevant sections of Chapter 1 Fire Prevention have been updated in this second edition of the release, as has the accompanying data table (FIRE1201).
First published.