Forestry Commission Key Performance Indicators: Headline Performance Update at 30 September 2022
Quarterly report on the Forestry Commission's six headline key performance indicators (KPIs).
Applies to England
This statistical report presents the Forestry Commission’s six headline key performance indicators (KPIs). It includes interim updates where data available for three headline indicators. The three other headline indicators are updated annually. This is an Official Statistics publication. This is the latest release. View previous releases.
The main findings for the indicators updated to 30 September 2022 are:
422 hectares of new planting of woodland in England was reported for the second quarter of 2022-23, together with 5,000 trees outside woodland (equivalent to an area of approximately three hectares) (provisional statistics). To correct for a typographical error the area of new planting has been revised since first published.
58% of woodland is sustainably managed in England at 30 September 2022. The figure is 50% for woodland other than that in the nation’s forests managed by Forestry England
99.89% of known tree felling in England was carried out with Forestry Commission approval in the year to 30 September 2022
In this edition users were consulted on the following proposed change to the frequency of releases:
- the cycle for interim in-year reporting will move from quarterly to half-yearly. Therefore, the headline indicators will be reported annually for the full year out-turn to 31 March, with a single partial interim report for the first half of the year to 30 September
No objections were received to these proposals so, following this 30 September 2022 edition, Forestry Commission Headline Key Performance Indicators reports will move to an annual report with a single interim report for the first half of the year.