Fraud and error in the benefit system: financial year 2018 to 2019 estimates
Estimates of fraud and error levels in the benefit system in Great Britain in the financial year 2018 to 2019.
Applies to England, Scotland and Wales
This report provides estimates of fraud and error levels in the benefit system in Great Britain for the financial year 2018 to 2019.
The main points from the report are:
- 2.2% of total benefit expenditure was overpaid due to fraud and error
- the estimated value of overpayments was £4.1 billion
- the net government loss, after recoveries, was £3.0 billion, or 1.6% of benefit expenditure
- 1.1% of total benefit expenditure (or £2.0 billion) was underpaid due to fraud and error
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You can also access DWP’s fraud and error statistics using StatXplore.
Updates to this page
Published a revised version of the data tables, correcting the Element/Premiums total overpayment figure for Pension Credit in table 3 from £5 million to £15 million.
Published a revised version of the release to correct the Jobseeker’s Allowance overpayments chart labels (see page 7 of the PDF). Revised data tables were also published - footnote 8 about Universal Credit has been corrected. .
First published.