Income Tax, NICs, Tax Credits and Child Benefit Statistics for EEA Nationals: 2013 to 2014
This experimental statistical release provides various estimates of Income Tax, NICs, tax credits and Child Benefit paid by and to European Economic Area (EEA) nationals in the 2013-14 tax year.
This experimental statistical release is a revision of last year’s ad hoc publication Further statistics on tax contribution of EEA nationals for 2013 to 2014, published on 26 August 2016. There have been some revisions to the methodology to provide a more accurate representation of EEA nationals, which have been described in more depth within the publication.
This analysis includes information on:
- Households with at least one EEA national claiming Tax Credits broken down by element;
- Income Tax and National Insurance Contributions;
- Tax Credit and Child Benefit entitlement;
- Shares of total income and income percentile groups of EEA nationals; and
- The number of EEA nationals with an Income Tax record for 2013 to 2014 tax year.
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