Official Statistics

GP Contract Services GP Practices in England, 2014/15: August update

GP Contract Services for Meningococcal C (MenC) university freshers, Shingles (catch up), Hepatitis B (newborn babies), Measles, mumps, rubella (MMR), GP Practices in England, 2014/15.


GP Contract Services GP Practices in England, 2014/15


GP Contract Services form part of the General Medical Services (GMS) contract, which is agreed between NHS England and the British Medical Association’s (BMA) General Practitioners Committee (GPC). The GMS contract covers the delivery of primary care services across England.

GP Contract Services include:

  • Core contract components: These are core contract requirements that are part of the GMS contract; GP practices are required to carry out these services as set out in the GMS Regulations.
  • Enhanced services (ES): These are voluntary reward programmes that cover primary medical services; one of their main aims is to reduce the burden on secondary care services.
  • Vaccination and immunisation programmes: These are programmes that are commissioned for delivery by GP practices following recommendations from the Joint Committee on Vaccinations and Immunisations (JCVI).
  • Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF): This is a voluntary annual reward and incentive programme for all GP practices in England. Note that the QOF data are not published under the GP Contract Services publications as NHS Digital produces a separate QOF publication, which is available on the NHS Digital QOF webpage.
  • Indicators no longer in QOF (INLIQ): These are indicators that have been removed from QOF but are still used for management information purposes.

GP Contract Service data are primarily used for payment and management information purposes; however, the data may be more widely used to help support commissioning, planning and policy decisions.

The GP Contract Services data are collected by NHS Digital via the Calculating Quality Reporting Service (CQRS) and General Practice Extraction Service (GPES).

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Published 12 August 2016

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