Accredited official statistics

Health Survey for England - 2014

Report on 2014 survey results The Health survey for England is a series of annual surveys designed to measure health, health related behaviours and social care in adults and children, in England. Data are presented at national and regional level.


Health Survey for England - 2014


The Health Survey for England series was designed to monitor trends in the nation’s health, to estimate the proportion of people in England who have specified health conditions, and to estimate the prevalence of certain risk factors and combinations of risk factors associated with these conditions. The surveys provide regular information that cannot be obtained from other sources on a range of aspects concerning the public’s health and many of the factors that affect health.

Each survey in the series includes core questions and measurements (such as blood pressure, height and weight, and analysis of blood and saliva samples), as well as modules of questions on topics that vary from year to year. Four topics are reported for the first time this year: medicines, eye care, end of life care and a comparison of the health of shift workers and non-shift workers.

Many chapters in this report contain more charts and less detailed descriptive text than in previous survey reports. We would very much welcome readers’ views about this change.

The Health Survey for England has been carried out since 1994 by the Joint Health Surveys Unit of NatCen Social Research and the Research Department of Epidemiology and Public Health at UCL (University College London). A total of 8,795 adults and 2,185 children were interviewed in 2013.

Corrections 11 December 2014: Chapter 7 ‘Fruit and vegetable consumption’ was affected by an error in the figures for median and mean number of portions of fruit and vegetables and the associated standard errors in the tables. It has been replaced with a corrected version of the chapter with revised figures.

Figure 10P Morbid Obesity Prevalence, 1993-2013 by sex (three year moving average) has been revised; only the most recent data points for men aged 33-64 and women aged 33-64 in the chart have changed.

The HSCIC apologises for any inconvenience caused by these errors and revisions.

Published 16 December 2015