Health visitor service delivery metrics: 2019 to 2020
Quarterly datasets and commentary for local authority health visits to pregnant women, children and their families during pregnancy and early childhood.
Due to the demands on local government as they responded to the COVID-19 pandemic, Public Health England decided to postpone data collection for quarter 4 2019 to 2020. As a result the quarter 4 2019 to 2020 data was collected and published in the Health visitor service delivery metrics experimental statistics: 2019 to 2020 annual data release.
Local authority commissioners and health professionals can use these resources to track how many pregnant women, children and families in their local area have received health promoting reviews at particular points during pregnancy and childhood.
The data and commentaries show variation at a local, regional and national level, which can help with planning, commissioning and improving local services.
The metrics cover health reviews for pregnant women, children and their families during:
- antenatal contact
- new birth visit
- 6 to 8-week review
- 12-month review
- 2 to 2 and a half year review
Public Health England (PHE) collects the data, submitted by local authorities on a voluntary basis. Find guidance on the technical detail to submit aggregate data to the central system for local authority analysts.
See health visitor service delivery metrics in the child and maternal health statistics collection for previous years data.
Find guidance on using these statistics and other intelligence resources to help with decisions about planning and provision of child and maternal health services.
See health visitor service metrics and outcomes definitions from Community Services Dataset (CSDS).
Updates to this page
Added link to 'Health visitor service delivery metrics experimental statistics: 2019 to 2020 annual data' release.
Added new statistical commentary and data reports for quarter 3, 2019 to 2020.
Added quarter 2 reports.
First published.