HES-MHLDDS Data Linkage Report - Summary Statistics, Sep 2015
Summary Statistics based on the linkage between HES (Hospital Episode Statistics) and MHLDDS (Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Dataset) at England level.
This is the latest monthly (September 2015) statistical publication in relation to the linked HES (Hospital Episode Statistics) and MHLDDS (Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Data Set) data. The two data sets have been linked using specific patient identifiers collected in HES and MHLDDS. The linkage allows the data sets to be linked in this manner from 2006-07; however, this report focuses on patients who were present in the two data sets from April 2015. The bridging file used for this publication was also released on 30 October 2015; it utilises the latest published provisional (Monthly) HES data and year-to-date MHLDDS data relating to July 2015. The HES-MHLDDS linkage provides the ability to undertake national (within England) analysis along acute patient pathways for mental health and learning disability service users’ interactions with acute secondary care