Historical balance sheet analysis and farming performance, England
Previously published estimates of balance sheet analysis and farming performance in England sourced from the Farm Business Survey.
Applies to England
This document presents previously published copies of the Official Statistics notice for balance sheet analysis and farming performance in England. Each publication gives the figures available at that time. The figures are subject to revision each year as new information becomes available.
Defra statistics: farm business survey
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Updates to this page
Added historical notice with data for 2022/23.
Update historic with 2021/22 publication.
Moved the content in the current publication (20/21) onto the historical page.
Added historical datasets for 2016/17 to 2019/20.
Added 19/20 notice.
Updated with data for 2018-2019.
Updated with 2017/18 publication.
Updated to include 2016/17 balance sheet statistical notice and dataset.
Updated to include 2015/16 balance sheet statistical notice and dataset.
Updated to include 2014/15 balance sheet data.
First published.