Tuberculosis (TB) in Cattle: Pre-movement and Post-movement Testing in Great Britain, 2006 to June 2021 - html version
Updated 5 December 2024
Applies to England, Scotland and Wales
This notice contains statistics on statutory pre- and post- movement TB testing that is carried out to reduce the risk of spreading TB through movements of infected cattle. Unlike the majority of TB tests, the pre- and post-movement tests reported on in this notice were arranged and paid for by herd owners.
Key points April to June 2021
- Pre-movement tests in England led to the identification of 97 reactors, including 4 inconclusive reactors (IRs) that became reactors at retest, out of 130,670 tests completed.
- Pre-movement testing in Wales led to the identification of 14 reactors, out of 38,811 tests completed.
- Post-movement testing in the Low Risk Area (LRA) of England identified no reactors, out of 14,256 tests completed, the first time this has occurred since the final quarter of 2018.
- There were 526 post-movement tests in Scotland of animals that had arrived from annual and six-monthly testing areas in England and Wales. These tests identified no reactors.
- Post-movement testing in the low TB area of Wales led to identification of no reactors, out of 3,272 tests completed.
1. Introduction to Pre- and Post- Movement TB Testing
The different TB movement testing regimes in England, Scotland and Wales reflect regional variations in disease incidence, including the Officially TB Free status of Scotland.
The movement of cattle with undetected TB infection is believed to be the most common way in which this disease spreads to new areas. In particular, movements of cattle from high bovine TB incidence areas of GB pose a substantial risk of introducing the infection to the lower incidence areas of England and Wales and to Scotland, which has been officially free of TB since September 2009. Such movements account for more than a third of all new TB herd breakdowns with lesion- or culture-positive animals identified in the LRA each year and about one fifth of such breakdowns in the Edge Area. Source: Bovine tuberculosis in England in 2020: Epidemiological analysis of the 2020 data and historical trends. Figure 3.2.10 Summary of the weighted source of infection attributed for all incidents that started in 2020, in the LRA.
2. England Pre-movement TB Testing
Compulsory pre-movement testing of cattle was introduced in England in March 2006, initially for animals over 15 months of age. The minimum qualifying age was lowered to 42 days the following year. Legislative changes implemented since 2012 have progressively led to the abolition of the majority of pre-movement testing exemptions that were permitted under the original TB legislation. Nowadays, all cattle aged 42 days and over moving out of annually (or more-frequently) tested herds must have a skin test with negative results within 60 days before movement, with few exceptions such as cattle moving directly to slaughter, to an approved finishing unit (AFU) or to a slaughter market.
Figure 2.1 Reactors slaughtered by quarter in England following disclosure by pre-movement tests, since the rollout of the policy in March 2006
Annual numbers of pre-movement tests (PRMT) in England increased by 27% between 2012 and 2016. There was an expansion of the areas under annual routine testing and the division of England on 1 January 2013 into a Low Risk Area (on background four-yearly herd testing) and High Risk and Edge Areas (where cattle herds were placed on annual or six-monthly surveillance testing). Annual numbers of pre-movement tests in England have been generally level since 2017.
Table 2.1 England pre-movement TB tests quarterly
Measure | Jul-Sep 2020 | Oct-Dec 2020 | Jan-Mar 2021 | Apr-Jun 2021 |
All movements | 1,158,747 | 1,232,003 | 1,133,872 | 1,203,795 |
Pre-movement animal tests | 126,568 | 113,237 | 120,938 | 130,670 |
Pre-movement test reactors | 167 | 112 | 89 | 93 |
Total reactors: PRMT and IR to R | 172 | 128 | 99 | 97 |
Herds with reactors | 92 | 51 | 49 | 51 |
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Table 2.2 England pre-movement TB tests annually, 2017 to 2020
Measure | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 |
All movements | 4,738,884 | 4,705,584 | 4,644,283 | 4,687,823 |
Pre-movement animal tests | 494,268 | 484,428 | 475,724 | 486,165 |
Pre-movement test reactors | 518 | 445 | 447 | 547 |
Total reactors: PRMT and IR to R | 565 | 490 | 480 | 578 |
Herds with reactors | 280 | 233 | 215 | 272 |
3. Wales Pre-movement TB Testing
The policy was introduced to Wales in May 2006, with some changes to exemptions since 2010. All cattle aged 42 days and over moving out of an annually or more-frequently tested herd must have tested negative to a TB test within 60 days before movement - unless the herd or type of movement is exempt.
Figure 3.1 Reactors slaughtered by quarter in Wales following disclosure by pre-movement tests, since the rollout of the policy in March 2006
From 1 October 2017 farmers in the Low TB Area of Wales are not required to pre-movement test (PRMT) cattle (some exceptions apply). In the 12 months before the policy change farmers in the Low TB area paid for 50,304 PRMT, around 45,000 of these tests in Wales would now not be required. This represents 25% of all PRMT in Wales during the 12 month period before the policy change. The underlying statistical dataset from 2006 (Table B: Wales Pre-movement tests) is available to download.
Annual numbers of pre-movement tests (PRMT) in Wales increased by 27% between 2012 and 2016. There was an expansion of the areas under annual routine testing and the division of England on 1 January 2013 into a Low Risk Area (on background four-yearly herd testing) and High Risk and Edge Areas (where cattle herds were placed on annual or six-monthly surveillance testing). Annual numbers of pre-movement tests in Wales have been generally level since 2018.
Since 2013 the number of herds in Wales that have had reactors disclosed by pre-movement testing has remained fairly consistent as an annual total. Figure 3.1 shows the seasonal fluctuation in reactors slaughtered with peaks generally in the July to September quarter. This is most likely due the PRMT undertaken prior to the October moves and sales, when animals have been grazing outdoors during spring and summer.
Table 3.1 Wales pre-movement TB tests quarterly
Measure | Jul-Sep 2020 | Oct-Dec 2020 | Jan-Mar 2021 | Apr-Jun 2021 |
All movements | 225,809 | 239,639 | 196,915 | 236,843 |
Pre-movement animal tests | 37,479 | 30,626 | 34,385 | 38,811 |
Pre-movement test reactors | 20 | 32 | 29 | 14 |
Total reactors: PRMT and IR to R | 21 | 33 | 30 | 14 |
Herds with reactors | 14 | 15 | 15 | 8 |
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Table 3.2 Wales pre-movement TB tests annually, 2017 to 2020
Measure | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 |
All movements | 894,532 | 917,526 | 880,580 | 886,833 |
Pre-movement animal tests | 165,786 | 134,983 | 129,855 | 136,138 |
Pre-movement test reactors | 118 | 116 | 106 | 80 |
Total reactors: PRMT and IR to R | 134 | 136 | 128 | 83 |
Herds with reactors | 57 | 55 | 54 | 42 |
4. Scotland post-movement TB Testing
Introduced in 2005, all cattle 42 days old and over in a yearly testing area must be pre-movement tested before they enter any Scottish herd. Having entered a Scottish herd these animals must be post-movement tested within 60-120 days although exemptions apply such as if a routine herd test is scheduled.
The figures shown here relate solely to Scotland’s post-movement testing rules. A small number of compliance tests are carried out in Scotland on animals with movements not compliant with England and Wales testing rules before they were moved to Scotland. These tests are not included in the data.
The number of reactors disclosed by these tests is consistently very low. The number of post-movement tests carried out each quarter in Scotland is usually in the 200 to 400 range. Q1 2021 was exceptionally high at 1,028 with around a third of this number comprising one large batch.
In September 2015 there was a change to the way that tests on animals arriving from Northern Ireland were recorded so that they are now captured on a separate code. Data from earlier years is not directly comparable. The underlying statistical dataset from 2006 (Table C: Scotland post-movement tests) is available to download.
Table 4.1 Scotland post-movement tests quarterly
Measure | Jul-Sep 2020 | Oct-Dec 2020 | Jan-Mar 2021 | Apr-Jun 2021 |
Post-movement tests (POMT) | 405 | 432 | 1,028 | 526 |
Post-movement test reactors | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Total reactors: POMT and IR to R | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Herds with reactors | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
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Table 4.2 Scotland post-movement tests annually, 2017 to 2020
Measure | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 |
Post-movement tests | 1,218 | 1,223 | 1,859 | 1,544 |
Post-movement test reactors | 0 | 1 | 0 | 8 |
Total reactors: POMT and IR to R | 0 | 1 | 0 | 8 |
Herds with reactors | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
5. England post-movement TB Testing in the Low Risk Area
Introduced on 6 April 2016, post-movement testing is required between 60 and 120 days after animals arrive to the low risk area (LRA) from other parts of England or from Wales. Therefore, the movements may have been undertaken in the previous period e.g. reactors found in Q1 could correspond to testing of animals moved during Q4.
Figure 5.1 Reactors slaughtered by quarter in England following disclosure by post-movement tests, since the rollout of the policy in April 2016
The latest quarter identified no reactors. The quarterly testing effort has remained relatively consistent since 2017, with the number of reactors disclosed ranging from 0 to 40. The first quarter of 2018 saw the most tests ever conducted in a single quarter. The underlying statistical dataset (Table D: England post-movement tests) is available to download.
Table 5.1 Post-movement testing in Low Risk Area of England, quarterly
Measure | Jul-Sep 2020 | Oct-Dec 2020 | Jan-Mar 2021 | Apr-Jun 2021 |
Cattle movements on to the LRA from Wales and higher risk areas of England | 28,869 | 29,255 | 29,545 | 31,407 |
Post-movement tests (POMT) | 11,928 | 12,339 | 15,019 | 14,256 |
POMT reactors | 3 | 8 | 1 | 0 |
Total reactors: POMT and IR to R | 3 | 8 | 3 | 0 |
Herds with reactors | 3 | 6 | 1 | 0 |
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Table 5.2 Post-movement testing in Low Risk Area of England, annually
Measure | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 |
Cattle movements on to the LRA from Wales and higher risk areas of England | 117,875 | 115,431 | 104,521 | 112,921 |
Post-movement tests (POMT) | 54,861 | 61,254 | 54,143 | 49,242 |
POMT reactors | 13 | 33 | 57 | 22 |
Total reactors: POMT and IR to R | 15 | 34 | 63 | 23 |
Herds with reactors | 10 | 8 | 6 | 18 |
6. Wales post-movement TB Testing in the Low TB Area
From 1 October 2017 farmers in the Low TB Area of Wales need to Post-Movement Test cattle which move from a herd in an Intermediate or High TB area in Wales; or the Edge or High Risk Area of England. In common with the England LRA testing policy, a post movement test is not needed if the animal is tested as part of an annual surveillance test within the 60 to 120 day Post-Movement Test window. Therefore the movements may have been undertaken in the previous period e.g. reactors found in Q1 could correspond to testing of animals moved during Q4 the previous year (or earlier if tested when non-compliance was found).
Q4 2020 saw the first ever reactors identified by a post-movement test in Wales since the policy was introduced. Q1 2021 then saw 1 further reactor identified after having been moved from a farm in the Intermediate North TB area. The underlying statistical dataset (Table E: Wales post-movement tests) is available to download.
Table 6.1 Post-movement testing in Low TB Area of Wales, quarterly
Measure | Jul-Sep 2020 | Oct-Dec 2020 | Jan-Mar 2021 | Jan-Mar 2021 |
Cattle movements on to the Low TB Area from higher risk areas of England and Wales | 4,981 | 5,492 | 3,972 | 5,329 |
Post-movement tests (POMT) | 3,355 | 2,672 | 3,091 | 3,272 |
POMT reactors | 0 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Total reactors: POMT and IR to R | 0 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Herds with reactors | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 |
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Table 6.2 Post-movement testing in Low TB Area of Wales, annually
Measure | Oct-Dec 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 |
Cattle movements on to the Low TB Area from higher risk areas of England and Wales | 5,078 | 14,335 | 16,091 | 19,346 |
Post-movement tests (POMT) | 63 | 8,751 | 10,786 | 10,695 |
POMT reactors | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 |
Total reactors: POMT and IR to R | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Herds with reactors | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 |
7. What you need to know about this release
7.1 Contact details
Email address:
Public enquiries:
Defra TB Statistics
Foss House, Kings Pool
Peasholme Green
Media Enquiries: 0208 225 7318 (Press Office)
7.2 Official statistics status
This is an Official Statistics publication. These statistics have been produced to the high professional standards set out in the Code of Practice for Official Statistics.
8. About these statistics
8.1 Data source and future revisions
These statistics are obtained from three sources:
- Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) work management IT support system (Sam), used for the administration of TB testing in GB,
- APHA Customer Service Centre,
- The Cattle Tracing System (CTS).
These statistics may be subject to small revisions until all test results are available. Data can be subject to review back to 2019.
8.2 Feedback on these statistics
We encourage our users to engage with us so we can improve our National and Official Statistics and identify gaps in the statistics that we produce. This document has been designed to meet the accessibility requirements outlined in WCAG 2.1. Should you have any comments on this statistical release and how to improve it to meet your needs please contact us by email to
8.3 Future publications
The publication calendar is available to view at: Release Calendar.
9. Glossary
Term | Definition |
AFU | Approved Finishing Units. AFUs provide a route for rearing, fattening or finishing cattle from TB restricted and un-restricted farms. AFUs must be approved and licensed by APHA. There are two types: AFUs with grazing (only in certain areas of the High Risk Area of England only) and AFUs without grazing. |
APHA | Animal and Plant Health Agency. |
CTS | Cattle Tracing System. |
EFU | Exempt Finishing Units. EFUs provide a route for beef producers to finish cattle without the need for a pre-movement test. EFUs must be approved and licensed by APHA. These units must meet strict conditions to reduce the potential risk of disease spread from the premises. There are two types: EFUs with grazing and EFUs without grazing. From 1 July 2017 no new units can be approved in Wales. From 1 January 2018 no EFUs exist in Wales. |
IR | Inconclusive reactor. An animal showing a positive reaction to tuberculin that was not strong enough for it to be deemed a reactor. These animals may be tested again after 60 days or can be slaughtered voluntarily. |
LFU | A licensed finishing unit (LFU) is a type of TB unit approved by APHA in the LRA and Low TB Area of Wales. Cattle finished in LFUs will remain under movement restrictions at all times and can only be moved from those units directly to slaughter. |
LRA | Low risk area of England. |
POMT | General term for all types of post movement tests. |
POSTLRAOV | LRA Post-Movement TB Test Code. |
POSTMOVOV | Wales Low TB Area Post-Movement Test Code. |
POSTMTS | Post-movement test (Scotland) This is a post-movement test, paid for by the keeper, to be carried out 60-120 days after arrival to Scotland from England or Wales (exceptions apply). The code was amended in September 2015 to exclude animals arriving from Northern Ireland. |
PRMT | Pre-movement test (England, Wales) a pre-movement test carried out 60 days or less prior to movement of an animal(s) from an annually or more frequently tested herd. |
PRMTS | A test paid for by the keeper to be carried out on cattle that have arrived into Scotland that should have had a pre-movement test before departure. Data is not included in these statistics. |
R | Reactor. An animal which was compulsorily slaughtered because it responded to the tuberculin skin test in a way that was consistent with it being infected with Mycobacterium bovis. |