HMPO privacy information notice
How your personal information is used in His Majesty's Passport Office (HMPO).
This policy explains your rights as an individual when using services provided by His Majesty’s Passport Office (HMPO). It reflects your rights under data protection legislation including the General Data Protection Regulation and lets you know how HMPO looks after and uses your personal information and how you can request a copy of your information.
Updates to this page
The privacy information notice has been updated to inform customers of changes to the way in which HMPO processes their personal data in line with UK GDPR.
The privacy information notice has been amended to update changes in processing of passports and contact details and to remain compliant with the UK GDPR.
Updated document published. Main changes are in the 'making a request' section.
Guidance updated with regards to business partners, submitting verbal subject access requests, automated decision making and identifying fraud risk indicators. HTML accessible version of guidance added.
Replaced privacy notice with an updated version.
Updated document with a new version.
Updated information on the use of customer data and third parties
Updated document with a new version.
Updated guidance.
First published.