Accredited official statistics

Housing Statistics June 2024, accessible version

Updated 11 July 2024

Applies to England

1 April 2023 – 31 March 2024

Published 27 June 2024

1. Key results

1.1 In the financial year 2023-24 there were 35,676 housing starts on site and 32,834 housing completions delivered through programmes managed by Homes England in England (excluding London for all programmes except those administered by Homes England on behalf of the Greater London Authority (GLA)).

1.2 Homes England manages the Help to Buy (Equity Loan) scheme in England, however, the completions are reported by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) (formerly the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG)). These statistics are available from the webpage linked below[footnote 1] and are excluded from this publication.

1.3 29,067 of housing starts on site in 2023-24 (representing 82 per cent of all starts) were for affordable homes. This represents a decrease of 0.5 per cent on the 29,212 affordable homes started in the previous year and reflects the transition from the Shared Ownership and Affordable Homes Programme (SOAHP) 2016-21 to the Affordable Homes Programme (AHP) 2021-26, where historical trends show that housing starts tend to be lower during this changeover period. The SOAHP 2016-21 closed in March 2024 and, over its lifetime, delivered 135,962 affordable starts on site.

1.4 Of the affordable homes started in 2023-24, 19,017 were started with the tenure to be confirmed[footnote 2] , an increase of 10 per cent on the 17,356 started in the previous year. 3,833 were for Social Rent, an increase of 64 per cent on the 2,340 started in the previous year. A further 3,553 were for Intermediate Affordable Housing schemes, including Shared Ownership and Rent to Buy. This is a decrease of 17 per cent on the 4,295 started in the previous year. The remaining 2,664 were for Affordable Rent, a decrease of 49 per cent on the 5,221 started in 2022-23. The programmes delivering the highest proportion of affordable starts were: The AHP 2021-26 with 76 per cent (up from 57 per cent); the SOAHP 2016-21 with 19 per cent (down from 36 per cent); and Local Authority Accelerated Construction (LAAC) with 3 per cent (up from 1 per cent).

1.5 24,798 or 71 per cent of housing completions in 2023-24 were for affordable homes. This represents an increase of 3 per cent on the 24,077 affordable homes completed in 2022-23.

1.6 Of the affordable homes completed in 2023-24, 10,534 were for Intermediate Affordable Housing schemes, including Shared Ownership and Rent to Buy, an increase of 13 per cent on 9,358 completed in the previous year. 9,402 were for Affordable Rent, a decrease of 8 per cent on the 10,262 completed in 2022-23. 4,346 were for Social Rent, a 17 per cent increase on 3,730. The remaining 516 were for First Homes[footnote 3] , a decrease of 29 per cent on 727. The highest delivering programmes were: the SOAHP 2016-21 with 49 per cent (down from 69 per cent); the AHP 2021-26 with 40 per cent (up from 16 per cent); and the Single Land Programme (SLP) with 4 per cent (no change).

2. Introduction

Geographical coverage

2.1 This release presents the housing starts on site and housing completions delivered by Homes England between 1 April 2009 and 31 March 2024 in England excluding London (for both the current and historical series[footnote 4]) with the exception of the Build to Rent (BtR), Builders Finance Fund (BFF), Get Britain Building (GBB), the Home Building Fund – Short Term Fund (HBF-STF) and the Levelling Up – Home Building Fund (LU-HBF) programmes which are administered by Homes England on behalf of the Greater London Authority (GLA) and where delivery covers all of England including London.

Purposes and uses

2.2 The figures in this release show the supply of affordable and market housing delivered through Homes England’s programmes[footnote 5] except for Help to Buy (Equity Loan scheme), the statistics for which were published quarterly by DLUHC[footnote 6] (this scheme closed on 31 May 2023). Further details on housing types are available in section 5 of the technical notes document accompanying this release[footnote 7]. DLUHC also publishes annual statistics on affordable housing supply in England[footnote 8] showing the gross annual supply of affordable homes, irrespective of funding mechanism. Further information on the Affordable Housing Supply and Help to Buy releases is provided in section 6 of the technical notes document.

2.3 The data in this release are used by DLUHC to monitor delivery of affordable homes as part of the DLUHC business plan (see paragraph 6.3 in the technical notes). Homes England uses the data to measure progress towards commitments made in its published Strategic Plan[footnote 9] and its Annual Business Plan. Local authorities also use the data when compiling their annual return to DLUHC for the purpose of calculating the enhancement for affordable housing under the New Homes Bonus (NHB), a grant for local authorities to incentivise new housing supply.

What is included in this release?

2.4 This is the first release of data relating to delivery for the financial year ending 31 March 2024 and covers all current and historical programmes delivered by Homes England (summarised in Annex 1). These include the acquisition of existing land or property as well as new house building, and some programmes that provide a mix of affordable and market housing. Affordable housing may be for home ownership (on Shared Ownership or Rent to Buy terms) or for rent.

2.5 Housing starts on site and housing completions are reported for each programme, where applicable.

2.6 A programme breakdown of the data is available in Table 1 of the tables accompanying this release[footnote 10]. Further information on the accompanying tables is provided in section 4 of this release. Table A of the latest annual statistics on affordable housing supply in England published by DLUHC[footnote 11] shows how Homes England’s programmes relate to the statistics on affordable housing published by DLUHC.

How is new subsidised housing provided?

2.7 Affordable homes delivered through Homes England programmes are funded by central government. The funding is administered by Homes England to fund investment partners (including private registered providers, house builders, community groups and local authorities) to deliver affordable housing.

2.8 With the exception of the SLP, funding for all programmes is allocated through an application/bidding process based on the assessment eligibility/criteria for each programme. Funding is paid in accordance with the contractual agreement for each programme. Investment for projects delivered under the SLP is determined in accordance with Homes England’s Framework Document[footnote 12] and relevant commissioning template.


2.9 Since April 2012, the Mayor of London has had oversight of strategic housing, regeneration and economic development in London. This means that Homes England no longer publishes housing starts on site and completions for London, except where Homes England is administering a programme on behalf of the GLA. The historical series for London, which reflects past delivery by Homes England, is included in Homes England’s housing statistics published on 12 June 2012 (revised 24 August 2012). Due to its age this publication is no longer available on the housing statistics page on the Homes England section of GOV.UK11, but can be provided on request (see section 6 for contact details).

2.10 DLUHC has combined the affordable housing statistics in this release with the GLA’s affordable housing statistics to produce Table 1012 showing total affordable housing starts on site and completions delivered nationally under the affordable housing programmes of Homes England and the GLA[footnote 13].  From 2019/20 onwards, table 1012 includes units delivered by the GLA funded via the Right to Buy ringfence offer which are not included in their quarterly management information.  Therefore there will be some discrepancies between the total in this table and the GLA’s own tables.  This table excludes additional affordable housing delivery reported annually through local authority returns, which are included in DLUHC’s full annual release on affordable housing supply in England[footnote 14].  The table includes any revisions made to London data since it was published by Homes England on 12 June 2012 (revised 24 August 2012).  Further details are provided in section 6 of the technical notes.

3. Housing outputs

This section provides the detailed statistics for housing starts and completions by tenure.  It includes all Homes England programmes and analyses them over time[footnote 15]

Data for the current and two previous years should be considered as provisional since they are subject to revisions as set out in section 4 of the technical notes accompanying this release.

Starts on site

Table 1a: Housing starts on site by tenure, England (excluding non-Homes England London delivery)

Financial Year Period Affordable Rent Social Rent Intermediate Affordable Housing - Intermediate Rent Intermediate Affordable Housing - Affordable Home Ownership Affordable Tenure TBC Total Affordable Housing Starts Market Total Housing Starts
2023-24 Apr - Sep 1,053 807 22 1,144 8,598 11,624 1,599 13,223
2023-24 Oct - Mar 1,611 3,026 163 2,224 10,419 17,443 5,010 22,453
2023-24 Full Year 2,664 3,833 185 3,368 19,017 29,067 6,609 35,676
2022-23 Apr - Sep 2,195 795 237 1,561 6,221 11,009 3,771 14,780
2022-23 Oct - Mar 3,026 1,545 134 2,363 11,135 18,203 4,116 22,319
2022-23 Full Year 5,221 2,340 371 3,924 17,356 29,212 7,887 37,099
2021-22 Apr - Sep 1,770 791 118 1,293 7,701 11,673 4,384 16,057
2021-22 Oct - Mar 3,858 1,062 257 2,959 7,341 15,477 6,538 22,015
2021-22 Full Year 5,628 1,853 375 4,252 15,042 27,150 10,922 38,072
2020-21 Apr - Sep 3,254 486 262 2,551 3,380 9,933 2,691 12,624
2020-21 Oct - Mar 6,740 1,986 270 3,862 4,184 17,042 6,577 23,619
2020-21 Full Year 9,994 2,472 532 6,413 7,564 26,975 9,268 36,243
2019-20 Apr - Sep 5,183 844 57 4,071 2,895 13,050 4,777 17,827
2019-20 Oct - Mar 11,092 1,926 95 6,918 1,843 21,874 7,081 28,955
2019-20 Full Year 16,275 2,770 152 10,989 4,738 34,924 11,858 46,782
2018-19 Apr - Sep 5,488 455 156 3,224 .. 9,323 6,230 15,553
2018-19 Oct - Mar 11,762 877 158 7,454 .. 20,251 9,102 29,353
2018-19 Full Year 17,250 1,332 314 10,678 .. 29,574 15,332 44,906
2017-18 Apr - Sep 4,531 305 8 2,117 .. 6,961 6,501 13,462
2017-18 Oct - Mar 12,346 1,388 108 6,673 .. 20,515 7,616 28,131
2017-18 Full Year 16,877 1,693 116 8,790 .. 27,476 14,117 41,593
2016-17 Apr - Sep 7,350 199 42 1,874 .. 9,465 5,318 14,783
2016-17 Oct - Mar 14,860 540 8 4,057 .. 19,465 6,693 26,158
2016-17 Full Year 22,210 739 50 5,931 .. 28,930 12,011 40,941

Chart 1a: Housing Starts on Site - cannot be produced in the accessible version. Please refer to PDF.

Chart 1b: Affordable Housing Starts on Site - cannot be produced in the accessible version. Please refer to PDF.

In the period 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024

(financial year 2023-24, with comparisons to 2022-23):

3.1 A total of 35,676 homes started on site, representing a decrease of 1,423 or 4 per cent compared to 37,099. This decrease can be attributed to the ongoing effects of the economic downturn on the housebuilding industry, particularly the start on site of market sale units. 

3.2 29,067 or 82 per cent of housing starts on site were for affordable homes – a decrease of 145 or 0.5 per cent compared to 29,212. This decrease can be attributed to the transition from the SOAHP 2016-21 to the AHP 2021-26, where historical trends show that affordable housing starts tend to be lower during the changeover period between programmes. Chart 1c below demonstrates this, particularly the transition from the AHP, which started in 2011-12 and reached peak starts delivery in 2013-14, to the AHP 2015-18 which started delivery towards the end of 2014-15.

Chart 1c: Trends in Affordable Housing Starts - cannot be produced in the accessible version. Please refer to PDF.

3.3 19,017 (65 per cent) of affordable homes started with tenure to be confirmed, an increase of 1,661 or 10 per cent on 17,356. All ‘tenure to be confirmed’ starts originate from Strategic Partnerships (SP) where providers are not contractually required to identify the tenure of a unit until completion. The tenure for these units will not be known until completion and they will be restated under their appropriate tenure in future releases. A further 3,833 (13 per cent) of affordable homes started were for Social Rent, an increase of 1,493 or 64 per cent on 2,340. 3,553 (12 per cent) were for Intermediate Affordable Housing schemes, including Shared Ownership and Rent to Buy. This is a decrease of 742 or 17 per cent on 4,295. The remaining 2,664 (9 per cent) of affordable homes started were for Affordable Rent, a decrease of 2,557 or 49 per cent on 5,221.

3.4 Table 1b below shows the percentage of Homes England’s affordable housing starts on site delivered by each region[footnote 16] compared to the same period last year, ranked highest to lowest. A map showing the region boundaries is available at Annex 2.

Table 1b: Affordable Housing Starts on Site - Percentage Delivery by Region

2023-24 2022-23
North West 20% 22%
South East 17% 17%
South West 13% 11%
East of England 13% 11%
East Midlands 12% 9%
West Midlands 10% 11%
Yorkshire and The Humber 10% 9%
North East 5% 10%
London 0% 0%

3.5 The number of market starts on site decreased by 1,278 (16 per cent) from 7,887 to 6,609. The decrease is due to the slowdown in housebuilding activity by developers as a result of the economic downturn that started in the latter half of 2022-23, and the closure of the HBF-STF to new bids. Of the market starts delivered[footnote 17], the SLP accounted for the majority at 2,076 or 31 per cent; the LU-HBF delivered 1,868 or 28 per cent; LAAC delivered 1,607 or 24 per cent and the remaining 1,058 or 16 per cent were delivered by the HBF-STF. The economic downturn has had a greater impact on market starts due to the countercyclical nature of affordable delivery: when the market is down, more investment has tended to be put into affordable housing by government to boost demand, but also demand generally for affordable products increases because, as the cost of living rises and mortgage interest rates increase, demand for market housing decreases.

Completions (excluding Help to Buy):

Table 2a: Housing completions by tenure, England (excluding Help to Buy and non-Homes England London delivery)

Financial Year Period Affordable Rent Social Rent Intermediate Affordable Housing - Intermediate Rent Intermediate Affordable Housing - Affordable Home Ownership Affordable Tenure TBC Total Affordable Housing Starts Market Total Housing Starts
2023-24 Apr - Sep 3,110 1,218 140 2,966 495 7,929 3,789 11,718
2023-24 Oct - Mar 6,292 3,128 320 7,108 21 16,869 4,247 21,116
2023-24 Full Year 9,402 4,346 460 10,074 516 24,798 8,036 32,834
2022-23 Apr - Sep 3,677 1,129 93 2,968 40 7,907 4,478 12,385
2022-23 Oct - Mar 6,585 2,601 161 6,136 687 16,170 5,381 21,551
2022-23 Full Year 10,262 3,730 254 9,104 727 24,077 9,859 33,936
2021-22 Apr - Sep 5,353 1,185 65 3,492 .. 10,095 4,323 14,418
2021-22 Oct - Mar 8,596 1,923 125 5,768 32 16,444 6,374 22,818
2021-22 Full Year 13,949 3,108 190 9,260 32 26,539 10,697 37,236
2020-21 Apr - Sep 4,315 700 25 3,043 .. 8,083 3,960 12,043
2020-21 Oct - Mar 8,991 1,196 61 5,626 .. 15,874 7,071 22,945
2020-21 Full Year 13,306 1,896 86 8,669 .. 23,957 11,031 34,988
2019-20 Apr - Sep 6,405 556 20 3,362 .. 10,343 4,713 15,056
2019-20 Oct - Mar 10,458 918 97 6,397 .. 17,870 7,577 25,447
2019-20 Full Year 16,863 1,474 117 9,759 .. 28,213 12,290 40,503
2018-19 Apr - Sep 7,912 326 3 2,824 .. 11,065 4,752 15,817
2018-19 Oct - Mar 10,977 668 42 5,964 .. 17,651 6,618 24,269
2018-19 Full Year 18,889 994 45 8,788 .. 28,716 11,370 40,086
2017-18 Apr - Sep 7,219 174 0 1,900 .. 9,293 2,723 12,016
2017-18 Oct - Mar 12,544 859 34 3,132 .. 16,569 5,321 21,890
2017-18 Full Year 19,763 1,033 34 5,032 .. 25,862 8,044 33,906
2016-17 Apr - Sep 7,096 218 1 1,338 .. 8,653 2,957 11,610
2016-17 Oct - Mar 11,184 373 4 2,671 .. 14,232 5,252 19,484
2016-17 Full Year 18,280 591 5 4,009 .. 22,885 8,209 31,094

Chart 2a: Housing completions (excluding Help to Buy) - cannot be produced in the accessible version. Please refer to PDF.

Chart 2b: Affordable Housing Completions - cannot be produced in the accessible version. Please refer to PDF.

In the period 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024

(financial year 2023-24, with comparisons to 2022-23):

3.6 32,834 homes were completed, a decrease of 1,102 or 3 per cent compared to 33,936. As with housing starts, the decrease can be attributed to the ongoing effects of the economic downturn on the housebuilding industry, with market delivery seeing a greater impact than affordable delivery (market units are down by 18 per cent and affordable up by 3 per cent). Like housing starts, the greater impact of the economic downturn on market completions compared to affordable completions can be explained by the countercyclical nature of affordable delivery. See paragraph 3.5 for more details.

3.7 24,798 (76 per cent) of total completions were affordable homes, an increase of 721 or 3 per cent compared to 24,077.

3.8 10,534 (42 per cent) of affordable completions were for Intermediate Affordable Housing schemes, including Shared Ownership and Rent to Buy. This is an increase of 1,176 or 13 per cent compared to 9,358. Affordable Rent accounted for a further 9,402 (38 per cent), a decrease of 860 or 8 per cent compared to 10,262. 4,346 (18 per cent) of affordable homes completed were for Social Rent, an increase of 616 or 17 per cent compared to 3,730. The remaining 516 (2 per cent) were for First Homes (see paragraph 3.11 below for more details on First Homes), a decrease of 211 or 29 per cent on 727.

3.9 Table 2b below shows the percentage of Homes England’s affordable housing completions delivered by each region compared to last year[footnote 18], ranked highest to lowest.

Table 2b:  Affordable Housing Completions - Percentage Delivery by Region

2023-24 2022-23
North West 21% 22%
South East 17% 20%
Yorkshire and The Humber 12% 9%
West Midlands 12% 13%
East of England 11% 10%
East Midlands 10% 9%
South West 9% 12%
North East 7% 6%
London 1% 0%

3.10 8,036 market homes completed, a decrease of 1,823 or 18 per cent compared to 9,859. The top delivering programmes of market completions were the SLP with 4,313 or 54 per cent, HBF-STF with 2,722 or 34 per cent and LU-HBF with 642 or 8 per cent.

First Homes

3.11 First Homes (FH) were included in the December 2023 release for the first time. Launched in 2021 they were previously only reported in DLUHC’s Table 10[footnote 19] and annual statistics on affordable housing supply in England[footnote 20], with a mention in this release. The tables accompanying this release include FH delivery for the current and historical periods going back to 2021-22, comprising of the Phase One Early Delivery Programme (launched in 2021-22 and delivered by the Single Land Programme) and the Phase Two (grant funded) Early Delivery Programme (launched in 2022-23). Where FH completions were delivered under the phase one pilot, the number of market completions have been reduced by the same value. This is because phase one FH completions were delivered by converting existing market completions. The main delivery mechanism will be through developer contributions. Both of these programmes closed in 2023-24 and delivered a combined total of 1,275 completions.

4. Accompanying tables

The tables accompanying this release are available to download from the housing statistics page on the Homes England section of GOV.UK[footnote 21] and include the following:

Table 1

Housing starts on site and completions by programme and tenure for:

1 April 2023 – 31 March 2024 with half year analysis

1 April 2022 – 31 March 2023 with half year analysis

1 April 2021 – 31 March 2022 with half year analysis

1 April 2020 – 31 March 2021 with half year analysis

1 April 2019 – 31 March 2020 with half year analysis

1 April 2018 – 31 March 2019 with half year analysis

1 April 2017 – 31 March 2018 with half year analysis

1 April 2016 – 31 March 2017 with half year analysis

1 April 2015 – 31 March 2016 with half year analysis

1 April 2014 – 31 March 2015 with half year analysis

1 April 2013 – 31 March 2014 with half year analysis

1 April 2012 – 31 March 2013 with half year analysis

1 April 2011 – 31 March 2012 with half year analysis

1 April 2010 – 31 March 2011 with half year analysis

1 April 2009 – 31 March 2010 with half year analysis

Table 2a

Housing starts on site and completions by local authority district and tenure (all programmes except Help to Buy), 1 April 2023 – 31 March 2024.

Table 2b

Housing starts on site and completions by local authority district and tenure (all programmes except Help to Buy), 1 April 2022 – 31 March 2023.

Table 2c

Housing starts on site and completions by local authority district and tenure (all programmes except Help to Buy), 1 April 2021 – 31 March 2022.

Table 2d

Housing starts on site and completions by local authority district and tenure (all programmes except Help to Buy), 1 April 2020 – 31 March 2021.

Table 2e

Housing starts on site and completions by local authority district and tenure (all programmes except Help to Buy), 1 April 2019 – 31 March 2020.

Table 2f

Housing starts on site and completions by local authority district and tenure (all programmes except Help to Buy), 1 April 2018 – 31 March 2019.

Table 2g

Housing starts on site and completions by local authority district and tenure (all programmes except Help to Buy), 1 April 2017 – 31 March 2018.

Table 2h

Housing starts on site and completions by local authority district and tenure (all programmes except Help to Buy), 1 April 2016 – 31 March 2017.

4.2 Housing starts on site and completions by local authority district and tenure (all programmes except Help to Buy) for historical periods are available to download from the Homes England housing statistics webpage[footnote 22].

4.3 In a small number of cases, Homes England funding to an affordable housing provider may be to support a person or family to be housed in a local authority that is different to the one in which they currently reside. The local authority presentations in Tables 2a to 2f are based on the local authority district in which the house is located. These tables also identify the region in which each local authority is located.

4.4 We can provide programme level statistics for specified local authority areas in response to requests made to

5. Other information

Pre-release access

5.1 Details of officials who receive pre-release access to the release up to 24 hours before publication are available from the housing statistics page on the Homes England section of GOV.UK[footnote 23].

A brief history of Homes England

5.2 Homes England was launched by the Secretary of State on 11 January 2018.  Homes England is the trading name of Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) (the legal entity).  The HCA was created on 1 December 2008 by bringing together the regeneration body English Partnerships (including the Property and Regeneration programme), the investment arm of the Housing Corporation (including the National Affordable Housing Programme), the Academy for Sustainable Communities and a number of housing and regeneration programmes from DLUHC (then known as the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG).  In October 2011, the HCA took responsibility for the land and property assets of eight of England’s nine Regional Development Agencies, ahead of their operational closure in March 2012.  On 1 April 2012, the HCA’s former London operating area transferred to the GLA.

Future publication dates

5.3 Our official statistics for the period 1 April 2024 to 30 September 2024 will be published in November/December 2024. 

Responsible statistician

5.4 The responsible statistician for this statistical release is Mike Shone.

6. User consultation

6.1 Users’ comments on any issues relating to this statistical release are welcomed and encouraged.  Responses should be sent to the “Statistical Enquiries” address given below: 


Media Enquiries


Tel: 020 7874 8262

Statistical Enquiries

Mike Shone (c/o)


Tel: 01234 242537

7. Technical Notes

Please see the accompanying technical notes document for further information.  This can be found on the Homes England housing statistics page for 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024:

Annex 1

Homes England’s programmes

The following table and links provide information about Homes England’s programmes (current and historical), which are funded by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities with the exception of Care and Support Specialised Housing, Homelessness Change 2015-18 and Platform for Life, which were funded by the Department of Health:

Programme Programme Summary Tenure Build Type
Accelerated Land Disposal The Accelerated Land Disposal programme was announced in the Budget 2011 to support the additional or accelerated delivery of 3,000 housing starts on site by 31 March 2015.  With effect from 1 April 2015, existing commitments transferred to the Single Land Programme. Social Rent / AHO / Market NB
Affordable Homes Guarantees On 6 September 2012, the Government announced its proposal to guarantee up to £10bn of debt to help housing providers expand the provision of both purpose built private rented and affordable housing.  As well as the Guarantee for the Affordable Homes element, the Government confirmed that it would make £225m of funding available for new affordable housing, for use where needed alongside the Affordable Homes Guarantee.  This funding was then doubled in the 2013 Budget to £450m, including London, to support up to 30,000 new affordable homes. Aff. Rent / Social Rent / AHO NB/A
Affordable Homes Programme The Affordable Homes Programme was announced as part of the Government’s Spending Review 2010 and delivered over 58,000 (excluding London) new affordable homes by 31 March 2015, with rents set at up to 80 per cent of market rent. Aff. Rent / Social Rent / AHO NB/A
Affordable Homes Programme 2015 -18 The Affordable Homes Programme 2015-18 replaced the Affordable Homes Programme 2011-15 and aims to increase the supply of new affordable homes in England by March 2018.  It is now closed although commitments agreed under this programme will be delivered during the 2016-21 period. Aff. Rent / Social Rent / AHO (Shared Ownership) NB/A
Affordable Homes Programme 2021-26 The Affordable Homes Programme 2021-26 is replacing the Shared Ownership and Affordable Homes Programme 2016-21 with the aim to increase the supply of new affordable homes in England by March 2026. Aff. Rent / Social Rent / AHO (Shared Ownership) NB/A
Build to Rent The Build to Rent Fund was launched in December 2012 in response to the recommendations of the Montague report to stimulate new private rented housing supply and to provide opportunities for new institutional investment in the sector.  It will support the delivery of up to 10,000 new homes. Market NB
Builders Finance Fund The £525 million Builders Finance Fund is designed to help restart and speed up housing developments between 5 and 250 units that have slowed down or stalled. Its main objective is to address difficulties in accessing development finance faced by some house builders, particularly smaller developers, and to help bring forward stalled but viable sites.  With effect from October 2016, existing commitments transferred to the Home Building fund – Short Term Fund. Social Rent / Int. Rent / AHO / Market NB/A
Care and Support Specialised Housing Fund The Department of Health’s Care and Support Specialised Housing Fund (CASSH) provides funding for housing for older people and adults with disabilities (physical or sensory disabilities, mental health needs and learning disabilities & autism). The fund is spilt into two phases. Phase 1 was launched in October 2012 and phase 2 was launched in February 2015. The initial budget for the programme was £160m over five years (2013-14 to 2017-18) outside London. In 2013, this was increased by a further £80m and the delivery time frame extended to 2020-21. Aff. Rent / Social Rent / AHO (Shared Ownership) NB/A
Economic Assets The Economic Assets programme was announced in the Budget 2011 and worked with partners to ensure the effective use and disposal of more than 300 land and property assets transferred from the former Regional Development Agencies.  With effect from 1 April 2015, existing commitments transferred to the Single Land Programme. Social Rent / Int. Rent / AHO / Market NB/A
Empty Homes The Empty Homes programme was announced as part of the Government’s Spending Review 2010 to bring back into use empty residential properties (in private ownership) as affordable housing.  The programme delivered 2,759 homes by 30 September 2016 outside London. Aff. Rent / Social Rent / AHO A
Empty Homes Round Two In November 2012 a second round of funding was launched to bring back into use empty properties as affordable housing.  As well as residential properties (in private ownership), the programme had an emphasis on the refurbishment of empty commercial and non-residential properties. The programme delivered 868 homes by 31 March 2017 outside London. Aff. Rent / Social Rent / AHO A
FirstBuy The FirstBuy scheme was announced in the Budget 2011 to help support 10,000 first time buyers on the property ladder.  The scheme was expanded in September 2012 and from 1 April 2013 was replaced with Help to Buy AHO NB
First Homes First Homes are the government’s preferred discounted market tenure and should account for at least 25% of all affordable housing units delivered by developers through planning obligations. AHO NB
Get Britain Building The Get Britain Building programme was set up to unlock more than 12,000 homes on stalled sites with planning permission through access to development finance. Social Rent / Int. Rent / AHO / Market NB
Help to Buy (equity loan) Help to Buy was announced in the Budget 2013 to help purchasers struggling to buy a new build home.  It offers a maximum 20% (40% in London) equity loan (minimum 10%) on new build properties up to a maximum purchase price of £600,000. Launched in April 2013 with an initial budget of £3.7bn, the programme aspired to support 74,000 plus homebuyers in the first 3 years.  The 2015 Spending Review confirmed £8.6bn of funding and extended the programme to 2021 to assist an anticipated 145,000 purchases.  In October 2017, the Government announced it will invest a further £10 billion in the Help to Buy Equity Loan programme. More than 330,000 completions were achieved by the end of the programme, which helped people buy a new build home with only a 5% deposit. Market NB
Help to Buy: Equity Loan (2021-2023) Help to Buy: Equity Loan (2021-2023) is for first-time buyers and includes regional property price limits to ensure the scheme reaches people who need it most. Homebuyers could reserve homes and apply for the Help to Buy: Equity Loan until 6pm on 31 October 2022. This deadline allows enough time for homebuyers to legally buy their homes before the scheme ends on 31 March 2023. As with the previous scheme, the government provided lending to homebuyers of between 5% and 20% of the cost of a newly built home, and up to 40% in London. Help to Buy: Equity Loan (2021-2023) was launched on 1 April 2021. Market NB
Homelessness Change The Homelessness Change Programme was announced as part of the Government’s Spending Review 2010 and delivered 1,128 new or refurbished bed spaces in hostel accommodation by 31 March 2015 (outside London). Aff. Rent NB/A
Homelessness Change 2015-18 Homes England is allocating a share of up to £25 million capital funding for specialist housing providers, on behalf of the Department of Health, to bring forward proposals for developing and improving hostel accommodation and facilities for the delivery of healthcare, training or education aimed at supporting rough sleepers, those at risk of sleeping rough, and other non-statutory homeless people of specialist housing to meet the needs of older people and adults with disabilities or mental health problems outside of London. This programme was launched jointly alongside the Platform for Life fund in March 2015. Aff. Rent NB/A
Kickstart Housing Delivery The Kickstart Housing Delivery programme was part of the 2009 Housing Stimulus Programme investing in restarting more than 20,000 homes on stalled sites.  The programme closed on 31 March 2013. Social Rent / Int. Rent / AHO / Market NB
Levelling Up – Home Building Fund The Levelling Up – Home Building Fund offers finance from £250,000.  Smaller loans for innovative housing solutions will also be considered. Aff. Rent / Social Rent / Int. Rent / AHO / Market NB
Local Authority Accelerated Construction Through our new Accelerated Construction programme we want to provide a tailored package of support to ambitious local authorities who would like to develop out surplus land holdings at pace. There is no single approach to accelerated construction that we expect to support. Our intention is to support a range of proposals at different scales and in locations where there is sufficient demand for housing. Aff. Rent / Social Rent / Int. Rent / AHO / Market NB
Local Authority New Build The Local Authority New Build programme was set up to deliver 4,000 homes for rent by 31 March 2012. Social Rent NB
Mortgage Rescue The Mortgage Rescue scheme was announced as part of the Government’s Spending Review 2010 to provide support to some 2,500 vulnerable home owners struggling to maintain mortgage payments and at risk of repossession.  This scheme is now closed. AHO / Int. Rent A
National Affordable Housing Programme The National Affordable Housing Programme is the predecessor to the AHP 2011-15. Social Rent / Int. Rent / AHO NB/A
Platform for Life Homes England is allocating a share of up to £25 million capital funding for specialist housing providers, on behalf of the Department of Health, to bring forward proposals for developing low-rent accommodation for young people aged 18 to 24 who are homeless or at risk of homelessness and are in housing need, to support their participation in work, further education or vocational training, with the aim of assisting residents into long term employment and independence, and improving their prospects for a successful and healthy life. This programme was launched jointly alongside the Homelessness Change 2015 to 2017 fund in March 2015. Aff. Rent NB/A
Property and Regeneration Programme The Property and Regeneration programme covered all the historical property and regeneration investments and assets inherited from English Partnerships.  With effect from 1 April 2015, existing commitments transferred to the Single Land Programme. Social Rent / Int. Rent / AHO / Market NB/A
Rent to Buy The Rent to Buy Loan 2015-17 provided loans at a low, fixed rate to registered providers to deliver homes outside London. The homes will be let at a sub-market rent for at least 7 years with the intention of supporting working households to save money and achieve their aspiration of home ownership. This programme is now closed. AHO NB
Right to Buy Replacement With effect from 2 April 2012, every additional local authority home sold under Right to Buy will be replaced by a new home for affordable rent, with receipts from sales recycled towards the cost of replacement.  Where a local authority decides not to undertake the development themselves, they return the relevant portion of the receipts to DLUHC for re-investment nationally. Aff. Rent NB
Shared Ownership and Affordable Homes Programme 2016-21 This programme aims to increase the supply of Shared Ownership and other affordable homes in England by March 2021. Aff. Rent / Social Rent / AHO (Shared Ownership and Rent to Buy) NB/A
Short Form Agreement A Short Form Agreement (SFA) is used by Homes England to contract with providers who wish to deliver Affordable Rent units without Homes England funding. Aff. Rent NB/A
Single Land Programme The Single Land Programme, with effect from 1 April 2015, consists of existing commitments taken from the amalgamation of historical Homes England land programmes (Accelerated Land Disposal, Economic Assets and Property and Regeneration) and transferred sites from across Government under the Public Sector Land Transfer model.  It is a self-financing programme funded through the recycling of receipts supporting Government’s targets on housing (including starter homes), public sector land release and asset disposals. Aff. Rent / Social Rent / Int. Rent / AHO / Market NB/A
The Home Building Fund – Short Term Fund The Home Building Fund is government finance to increase the number of new homes being built in England. Applications are being accepted from private sector businesses to build new homes or prepare sites for development. Aff. Rent / Social Rent / Int. Rent / AHO / Market NB/A
Traveller Pitch Funding The Traveller Pitch Funding programme was announced as part of the Government’s Spending Review 2010 and delivered 515 new traveller pitches by 31 March 2015 (outside London).  In addition, 386 refurbished pitches were delivered. Aff. Rent / AHO NB/A

Tenure indicates whether units delivered under each programme are allocated to Affordable Rent (Aff. Rent), Social Rent (Social Rent), Intermediate Rent (Int. Rent), Affordable Home Ownership (AHO), including Shared Ownership and Rent to Buy, or Open Market (Market).

New supply is either a new build (NB) or an acquisition (A) from existing non-affordable stock. Grant under some programmes can be used to deliver either newly built units or to fund acquisitions.

The programme was part of the Affordable Homes Programme (AHP) 2011-15. The majority of delivery through the AHP 2011-15 and other associated programmes was made available as Affordable Rent with some Affordable Home Ownership and, in some limited circumstances, Social Rent. Intermediate Rent was not delivered by the AHP 2011-15 unless it was through Mortgage Rescue or pre-existing commitments from the National Affordable Housing Programme.

Annex 2

England – Regions (former Government offices for the regions (GOR)) - cannot be produced in the accessible version. Please refer to PDF.

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  2. Affordable Tenure TBC refers to units that have reached the start on site milestone but where the tenure of these units has not yet been specified. This was introduced as a flexibility for Strategic Partnerships to enable them to determine tenure close to or at the point of completion. These starts will be restated under their specified tenure headings in future national statistics updates once the tenure has been established at completion. 

  3. The First Homes phase 1 pilot (launched in 2021-22 and delivered under the Single Land Programme) and the First Homes Early Delivery Programme (launched in 2022-23) ended in 2023-24. See paragraph 3.11 for further details. 

  4. As housing starts on site and completions are recorded by their geographical location, this release may exclude homes located outside London where the funding was allocated to a local authority district within London.  

  5. See Annex 1 for a summary and links to information about Homes England’s programmes. 










  15. Some of the tables and charts in this release have been restricted to an eight-year rolling profile to avoid overcrowding pages with excessively long graphics. For earlier years (going back to 2009-10) please see the accompanying tables and previous releases available at


  17. Note that proportions do not sum to 100 per cent due to rounding. 

  18. Note that proportions do not sum to 100 per cent due to rounding. 




