Accredited official statistics

Pre-release access list for: Immigration system statistics, year ending September 2023

Updated 7 December 2023

This statistical bulletin was produced by analytical professionals and production staff in Home Office Analysis and Insight Directorate.

Pre-release access was given to the following persons 24 hours in advance of release:

Home Office

  • Home Secretary
  • Minister of State for Immigration
  • Preventing Abuse Minister
  • Permanent Secretary
  • Second Permanent Secretary
  • Chief Scientific Officer
  • Director General of Immigration Enforcement
  • Director General of Strategic Operations
  • Director General of Migration and Borders
  • Director General of Asylum and Protection
  • Director of Returns and Detention Operations
  • Director of Migration and Citizenship
  • Director SBOC Information, Analysis & Headquarters Group
  • Director of Asylum and Human Rights Operations
  • Chief Analyst and Home Office Analysis and Insight Director
  • Deputy Director, Cross-Cutting Operations, Visa, Status and Information Services
  • Deputy Director, EEA Citizens’ Rights and Hong Kong Unit
  • Deputy Director, Resettlement Services
  • FBIS Head of Strategy and Briefing
  • FNORC Secretariat (1)
  • Senior Policy Advisor, EEA Citizens’ Rights & Hong Kong Unit
  • Asylum Children and Secondary Casework (ACSC) Secretariat (1)
  • Head of Asylum Operations Secretariat
  • Head of Domestic Asylum Policy
  • Head of Economic Migration Policy (2)
  • Head of Detention Services Corporate Operations and Oversight
  • Lead of FBIS Strategy
  • EEA Citizens Rights and BNOs Unit ( 1)
  • Refugee Resettlement and Integration Unit (1)
  • Asylum and Protection Unit (1)
  • Special Advisers (5)
  • Press Office, Immigration Desk (6)

In addition, Private Secretaries in the Ministers’ and Special Advisers’ Private Offices will have access to pre-release figures for handling arrangements.

Pre-release access was also given to the following persons from outside the Home Office 24 hours in advance of release:

Number 10

  • Prime Minister
  • Private Secretary to Prime Minister, Home Affairs
  • Deputy Chief of Staff to the Prime Minister
  • Deputy Head of News
  • Lead Justice and Home Affairs Data Scientist, No 10 Data Science Team
  • Director, Deputy Head, No.10 Delivery Unit
  • Special Advisor, Policy Unit
  • Senior Policy Advisor, Policy Unit

Cabinet Office

  • Director, Domestic Affairs, EDS, Cabinet Office
  • Deputy Director, Public Services, incl. Afghan Resettlement
  • Deputy Director, Justice, Home Affairs, and the Union
  • Senior Policy Advisor

Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities

  • Analysis and Statistics Division, Analyst


  • Deputy Director of the Centre for International Migration
  • Assistant Director of the Centre for International Migration
  • Assistant Director of the Centre for International Migration
  • Principal Researcher, Centre for International Migration