Income Support lone parent regime: August 2013
Statistics on Income Support lone parent regime (ISLP) with figures on lone parent Work Focused Interviews and ISLP sanctions to March 2013.
Applies to England, Scotland and Wales
These are the official statistics relating to the Income Support lone parent (ISLP) regime. They contains figures on lone parent Work Focused Interviews (WFIs) and ISLP sanctions up to March 2013.
Main findings
In the year up to and including March 2013, 668,400 WFIs were conducted with ISLPs.
In the year up to and including March 2013, 48,400 sanctions were imposed on ISLP customers. These sanctions were imposed upon 44,600 individual claims. This represents 5.4% of the ISLP client base in that 12 month period.
Sanctions overcount
Due to a coding error, an overcount in the total number of sanctions imposed in the year up to and including March 2013 was published in this release. The figure has been revised to 48,400 (previously 57,900). This statistic has been revised within Table 2 of the publication. The error has had no impact on the number of claims sanctioned, nor the proportion of claims sanctioned statistic as they were produced using unaffected methodology.
A small undercount
A small undercount has affected these statistics.