Official Statistics

Incorporated companies in the UK April to June 2020 (revised)

Quarterly release providing information about the number of companies on the register, newly incorporated companies, and removals from the register. We have made revisions to this release. See the revision notice for more details.



Companies House produces quarterly reports about those companies newly incorporated to and removed from the register, and the total and effective register sizes. Additional information is provided on company liquidations and other insolvency procedures.

Information is provided for all companies, for public companies and for limited liability partnerships (LLPs). Tables cover the UK as a whole, and England and Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland individually.

The full statistical report is currently provided in English only. If you would like to see a Welsh translation of future versions of this report, contact

Revision notice

We have corrected an error in the datasets for England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland for the “Insolvencies and Liquidations” tabs (“d” Tables). In these tables only a discrepancy occurred in the majority of the 2020 quarter 2 statistics due to a processing error. The corrected values have now been calculated and the release and all data have been updated on 24 June 2021. We apologise for any inconvenience.

Contact us if you want to see the original release.

Previous statistics

You can read previous statistics releases for incorporated companies, or statistics releases from previous years can be found on The National Archives.

Updates to this page

Published 30 July 2020
Last updated 24 June 2021 show all updates
  1. Corrected an error in the datasets for England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland for the 'Insolvencies and Liquidations' tabs (“d” Tables). In these tables only, a discrepancy occurred in the majority of the 2020 quarter 2 statistics due to a processing error.

  2. First published.

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