Individual Insolvencies by Location, Age and Gender, England and Wales, 2016
Official statistics for individual insolvencies in England and Wales in each year 2000 to 2016, broken down by region and local authority areas, age and gender.
This statistical release provides breakdowns of individual insolvencies in England and Wales, at region, county, unitary authority and local authority levels. It also includes age and gender breakdowns of individual insolvencies at region level. The statistics cover the calendar years 2000 to 2016.
This publication is accompanied by an interactive analysis tool which will allow users view statistics for their chosen local authority area.
Main Messages
- The total insolvency rate increased for the first time since 2009, and increased in all regions of England and Wales between 2015 and 2016.
- The North East continued to have the highest insolvency rates, while London had the lowest.
- Nine out of ten local authorities with the lowest insolvency rates were in London or the South East, whilst seven out of the ten areas with the highest rates were located in coastal areas.
- The insolvency rate for females was higher than the male rate for the third successive year, and the gap has continued to widen.
- Insolvency rates were highest in the 35-44 age group for both males and females.
- Insolvency rates increased for all age groups except 55 and over, with those aged between 18-44 showing the biggest rises