Official Statistics

Initial teacher training performance profiles: 2015 to 2016

Initial teacher training (ITT) performance profiles for teacher training providers in England in the academic year 2015 to 2016.

Applies to England


Main text: SFR38/2017

Main tables: SFR38/2017

Main tables: SFR38/2017

Provider level tables: SFR38/2017

Provider level tables: SFR38/2017


The performance profiles data includes important information on teachers’ subjects, routes into teaching and ITT providers in the academic year 2015 to 2016.

The data includes information about the number of first year trainees and their:

  • gender
  • age
  • declared ethnicity
  • declared disability
  • qualifications on entry to their ITT course

It also contains information about the number of final year trainees and the percentage that:

  • gained qualified teacher status (QTS)
  • were employed in a teaching role within 6 months of completing their training

Initial Teacher Training Statistics Publications

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Published 27 July 2017

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