Plant Health – international trade and controlled consignments, 2014-2018 – experimental statistics publication
Experimental statistics covering trade in plants/plant products and controlled plants/plant products notified to plant health inspectorates
These experimental statistics present an analysis of trade with the UK in plant and plant commodities (including live plants, fruit, vegetables and cereals), covering both the financial value and the physical scale (mass) of this trade.
Also presented is an analysis of the notifications of controlled commodities, including the geographical origin and type of commodity being imported. The Plant Health and Seeds Inspectorate and the Forestry Commission are notified of any controlled commodities being imported from countries outside of the UK. A range of checks are carried out to ensure that these traded goods meet required standards, in order to prevent the introduction of pest and disease.
These annual statistics cover the period 2014 to 2018 and geographical coverage is specified at the start of each section.
Next update: see the statistics release calendar
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