Key stage 2 and multi-academy trust performance, 2018 (revised)
Revised information on the 2018 key stage 2 assessments and statistics on the performance of state-funded schools in multi-academy trusts.
Applies to England
Revised results for key stage 2 at national, regional and local authority level. Results are also broken down by pupil characteristics.
The publication includes tests results for:
- reading
- mathematics
- grammar, punctuation and spelling
It covers teacher assessments in:
- reading
- writing
- mathematics
- science
The publication also includes figures on pupils’ progress between key stage 1 and key stage 2. Figures update provisional figures released on 28 September 2018.
Data on the performance of multi-academy trusts (MATs) based on measures of progress for MATs with 3 or more academies that have been with the MAT for at least 3 full academic years and have results in the 2018 school performance tables.
Updates to this page
Updated 'Key stage 2 text', 'Key stage 2 local authority tables' and 'Key stage 2 underlying data'.
Updated 'Key stage 2 text' to include new contact details, 'Key stage 2 local authority tables' to include change percentages in tables L5 and L6 from 'not applicable' to 'zero', 'Key stage 2 underlying data' to include additional data to the '2018_KS2_SCHLOC_CHAR_UD_2' file and ‘Pre-release access list’ to include an additional post holder.
Updated the figure of number of local authorities with no schools below the floor standard on page 24 of the ‘Key stage 2 text’ document.
First published.