Knife and Offensive Weapon Sentencing Statistics: July to September 2024
Trends in cautioning and sentencing of knife and offensive weapon offences.
Applies to England and Wales
This publication presents key statistics describing the trends in the number of offenders In England and Wales receiving cautions and convictions for:
- Possession of an article with a blade or point
- Possession of an offensive weapon, or
- Threatening with either type of weapon
Please note that cases still awaiting final decisions are no longer accounted for using estimation methodology. These are generally cases in the latest periods and are now counted as ‘other’ disposals until final decisions are made unless separately specified.
Accompanying files
As well as this bulletin, the following products are published as part of this release:
- ODS format tables containing data on knife or offensive weapon offences up to September 2024
- An interactive table tool to look at previous offences involving possession of a blade, point or offensive weapon. The tool provides further breakdowns by gender, police identified ethnicity and prosecuting police force area. The data used in the tool is also included as a separate csv file.
We regularly carry out work to improve our statistics and geography breakdowns, therefore please refer to the latest publication for the most up-to-date figures. The bulletin was produced and handled by the ministry’s analytical professionals and production staff.
Pre-release access
Prior to publication pre-release access of up to 24 hours was granted to the following persons:
Ministry of Justice:
Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice; Parliamentary Under Secretary of State – covering sentencing; Permanent Secretary; Minister and Permanent Secretary Private Secretaries (x3); Special Advisors (x2); Director-General Policy: Prisons, Offenders and Analysis; Head of Sentencing Policy; Senior Policy Advisor, Custodial Sentencing Policy Unit; Policy Advisor, Custodial Sentencing Policy Unit; Head of Youth Justice Policy; Deputy Head of News and relevant press officers (x3).
Youth Justice Board:
Senior Communications Manager
Home Office:
Home Secretary; Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Crime and Policing; Policy Advisor, Serious Violence Unit; Head of Media and relevant press officers (x1)