Official Statistics

Latest official statistics on pre-movement and post-movement testing for tuberculosis (TB) in cattle in Great Britain – quarterly

Quarterly statistics on tuberculosis (TB) movement tests on cattle in Great Britain.

Applies to England, Scotland and Wales



The ‘Date of Next Publication’ included in the most recent stats release was incorrect. The next edition of this stats release will be published on 13th March 2025. We apologise for any confusion caused.

This publication presents official quarterly statistics on tuberculosis (TB) movement testing in cattle in Great Britain. The different TB movement testing regimes in England, Scotland and Wales reflect regional variations in disease incidence, including the Officially TB Free status of Scotland. The release covers pre-movement testing in England and Wales, and post-movement testing in Scotland, the Low Risk Area of England, annual surveillance testing parts of the Edge area of England, and the Low and Intermediate TB Areas of Wales.

The movement testing statistics are obtained from the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) work management IT support system, which is used for the administration of TB testing in GB. They are a snapshot of the position on the date on which the data were extracted. The information is subject to regular revision until all test results are available.

Next update: see the statistics release calendar

For further information you can contact:
X: @DefraStats

Updates to this page

Published 23 November 2017
Last updated 11 February 2025 + show all updates
  1. Added CTA box to highlight change in next publication date.

  2. Quarterly update to June 2024.

  3. Updated with data to March 2024.

  4. Update to December 2024.

  5. Updated to latest quaterly data.

  6. Amend end month showing in titles of datasets from '... to March 2023' to '... to June 2023'.

  7. Update with Qrt2, 2023 information - April to June.

  8. Uploaded the next quarterly report up to March 2023.

  9. Minor update to html attachment.

  10. Update for December 2022.

  11. Updated to the latest publication to include data up to September 2022.

  12. Edited to include statistical notice and data to June 2022.

  13. Added statistical notice with data to March 2022.

  14. Edited to include data to December 2021.

  15. Edited to include data to September 2021.

  16. Updated with statistical release to second quarter of 2021. The format of the statistical report has been changed to html.

  17. Updated all files with data to March 2021.

  18. Updated all files with data up to December 2020.

  19. Edited to include data to September 2020.

  20. Edited body text giving a warning that the next release will be delayed due to server issues

  21. Edited dataset to include up to June 2020

  22. Edited files to include data up to March 2020.

  23. Added latest statistical notice and datasets, October to December 2019 figures.

  24. Updated with statistical release for Q3 2019.

  25. Updated with latest 2019 quarter 2 data.

  26. Updated with Q1 2019 figures.

  27. Replaced files published on 29 May 2019 to correct an error found in the counts of herds with reactors and inconclusive reactors found in the 2018 annual figures

  28. Updated with statistical release and datasets to December Q4 2018.

  29. Updated notice and datasets with statistics up to September 2018.

  30. Updated statistics notice and datasets with figures to June 2018.

  31. Second revision to Tuberculosis (TB) in cattle post-movement testing in Wales dataset.

  32. Updated Tuberculosis (TB) in cattle post-movement testing in Wales dataset and statistical bulletin to correct an error.

  33. Updated statistics notice and datasets with figures to March 2018.

  34. Two data items have been updated for the England (April 2016 to December 2017) dataset: 2017 total No of cattle movements on to the LRA from Wales and higher risk areas of England (1) 2017 Approved Licenced Finishing Units at the end of the latest report period (10)

  35. Updated statistics notice and datasets with figures to December 2017.

  36. Updated with quarterly release July to September 2017 statistic notice and datasets.

  37. First published.

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