Learning Disability Services Quarterly Statistics - Commissioner census (Assuring Transformation), Q3 2015/16
Latest Quarterly statistics from the Assuring Transformation collection. Experimental statistics.
Learning Disability Services Quarterly Statistics - England Commissioner Census (Assuring Transformation) – Quarter 2 2015/16, Experimental Statistics 14:42 January 11, 2016 - 09:30 November 20, 2015 Publication date: November 20, 2015 Return to Website Search Summary The release comprises:
This report;
Reference data tables showing England level data;
Tableau data visualisation tool showing data at; England, regional, local office, Commissioning Hub (Hub), and Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) level;
A machine readable CSV file containing England, regional, local office, Hub and CCG level data;
A Metadata file to support the CSV file;
Constructions for the reference data tables;
Easy read version of the report.
This is the third quarterly report. Data is also released on a monthly basis