Level 1 and 2 English and maths: 16 to 18 students, 2014 to 2015
Experimental statistics on level 1 and 2 English and maths in 16 to 18 study by students who did not achieve A* to C by the end of KS4.
Applies to England
These statistics cover the English and maths attainment in 16 to 18 study by students who did not achieve a GCSE grade A* to C by the end of key stage 4 (KS4) in the academic year 2012 to 2013.
The national tables and technical note provide more details about the students. The institution tables present the statistics by school and college.
Contact details
Post-16 development team
Email Post16TableReform.MAILBOX@education.gov.uk
Telephone: Moira Nelson 01325 340686
Updates to this page
Published 24 May 2016Last updated 10 August 2016 + show all updates
Updated institutions table S2 with corrections to the 'achieving a lower level of learning' percentages.
Updated institution tables with corrections to figures for 8 institutions in tables S2, S3 and S4.
Updated national percentages in institution table S1 for students who entered and achieved English at level 1 and entry level. Added missing percentages of students entering and achieving English and maths at various levels for 2 sixth-form centres in table S2 and for 6 institutions across tables S2, S3 and S4.
First published.