Official Statistics

List of upcoming DWP ad hoc statistical releases

List of upcoming Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) ad hoc statistical releases.



Upcoming DWP releases that are not part of the standard Official or National Statistics.

Updates to this page

Published 5 July 2013
Last updated 17 March 2025 show all updates
  1. Advance notice that 2 statistical releases called 'Durations across incapacity benefits for claimants on the August 2024 caseload' and 'The cost of working age ill-health and disability that prevents work' will be published on 18 March 2025.

  2. Advance notice that 2 statistical releases called 'Employment Data Lab Analysis: Nottingham City Council Nottingham Works 4You programme' and 'Employment Data Lab Analysis: Humber Learning Consortium Springboard Hull and Humber programme' will be published on 25 March 2025.

  3. Advance notice that a statistical release called 'Decomposition of growth in the number of claimants of Universal Credit with Limited Capability for Work and Work-Related Activity, or in the Employment and Support Allowance Support Group' will be published on 29 January 2025.

  4. Advance notice that statistical releases called 'Employment Data Lab Analysis: Street League Academy, Street Sports and Schools programmes' and 'Employment Data Lab Analysis: Generation You Employed UK' will be published on 13 November 2024.

  5. Announcements for 'Home Responsibilities Protection (HRP) State Pension underpayments: progress on cases reviewed to 30th September 2024' and 'State Pension underpayments: progress on cases reviewed to 30 September 2024' added. Both are due on 7 November 2024.

  6. Advance notice that an ad hoc statistical release called 'Benefit uprating – estimated number and type of families and individuals in families benefitting from the uprating of benefits in 2025 to 2026' will be published on 30 October 2024.

  7. Advance notice that a release of information about weekly Pension Credit claims received from 1 April 2024 to 22 September 2024 will be published on 27 September 2024.

  8. Announced upcoming publication of 'Weekly Pension Credit claims received from 1 April 2024 to 1 September 2024'.

  9. Advance notice that a statistical release called 'Employment Data Lab Analysis: Walking with the Wounded ' will be published on 8 May 2024.

  10. Advance notice that the statistical release called 'Long-term out of work and “Searching for Work” claimants on Universal Credit, January 2023 to January 2024' will now be published on 19 April 2024. This is a change to the planned release date of 22 April 2024.

  11. Advance notice that a statistical release called 'Long-term out of work and “Searching for Work” claimants on Universal Credit, January 2023 to January 2024' will be published on 22 April 2024.

  12. The 'Long-term out of work and “Searching for Work” claimants on Universal Credit, January 2023 to January 2024' ad-hoc release has been postponed. This page will be updated once a new date has been confirmed.

  13. Advance notice that a statistical release called 'Long-term out of work and “Searching for Work” claimants on Universal Credit, January 2023 to January 2024' will be published on 15 April 2024.

  14. Advance notice that an ad hoc statistical analysis on what Local Housing Allowance rates will be for housing support in the private rented sector for the financial year 2024 to 2025 will be published on 9 January 2024.

  15. Advance notice that an ad hoc release called 'Employment Data Lab analysis: Talent Match Plus programme' will be published on 5 December 2023.

  16. Advance notice that an ad hoc statistical release called 'Benefit uprating – estimated number and type of families and individuals in families benefitting from the uprating of benefits in 2024 to 2025' will be published on 22 November 2023.

  17. Upcoming DWP ad hoc statistical release announcement added to list.

  18. Advance notice that an ad hoc statistical release called 'Estimated cost of uprating UK State Pensions in frozen rate countries, 2024 to 2028' will be published on 19 July 2023 at 9:30am.

  19. Advance notice that an ad hoc statistical release called 'Health and disability benefits based on data from 2019 to 2022' will be published on 20 July 2023 at 9:30am.

  20. Advance notice that an ad hoc statistical release called ' The Gender Pensions Gap in Private Pensions' will be published on 5 June 2023 at 9:30am.

  21. Advance notice that an ad hoc statistical release called 'Analysis of future pension incomes' will be published on 3 March 2023 at 9:30am.

  22. Advance notice that an ad hoc statistical release about the Restart Scheme will be published on 15 December 2022 at 9:30am.

  23. Advance notice that an ad hoc statistical release 'Employment Data Lab Analysis: The Resurgo Spear programme' will be published on Tuesday 29 November 2022 at 9:30am.

  24. Advance notice that an ad hoc statistical release called 10 years of Automatic Enrolment in Workplace Pensions will be published on Wednesday 26 October 2022 at 9:30am.

  25. Advance notice that an ad hoc statistical release 'Universal Credit claimants eligible for and receiving the childcare element between March 2021 to February 2022' will be published on Wednesday 29 June 2022 at 9:30am.

  26. Advance notice that an ad hoc statistical release 'Shaping Future Support: Green Paper evidence pack, July 2021' will be published on Tuesday 20 July 2021.

  27. Announced publication of management information on the COVID Winter Grant from 1 December 2020 to 16 April 2021 on 2 June 2021.

  28. Advance notice that an ad hoc statistical release about variation in the Universal Credit sanction rate between jobcentres from August 2017 to August 2019 will be published at 9:30am on Thursday 8 October 2020.

  29. Announced for publication on Monday 18 May 2020 (at 9:30am) of a statistical analysis relating to the Pension Protection Fund (PPF) compensation cap and labour market experience of older workers.

  30. Announced publication on 11 February 2020 of ad hoc statistics of progress on cases cleared at 5 January 2020 on an administrative exercise looking at Personal Independence Payment claims following 2 Upper Tribunal decisions.

  31. Advance notice that an ad hoc statistical release about Bereavement Support Payment will be published at 9:30am on 29 January 2020.

  32. Advance notice that an ad hoc statistical release about Universal Credit and Severe Disability Premium claims will be published at 9:30am on 2 September 2019.

  33. Advance notice that an ad hoc statistical release about health in the workplace (patterns of sickness absence, employer support and employment retention) will be published at 9:30am on 15 July 2019.

  34. Advance notice that an ad hoc statistical release about the Youth Obligation Support Programme will be published at 9:30am on 1 July 2019.

  35. Advance notice that an ad hoc statistical release about Carer’s Allowance overpayment deductions, levels of service and staffing will be published at 9:30am on 20 June 2019.

  36. Advance notice that an ad hoc statistical release about the 'volumes of Universal Credit claimants with tax credit overpayments' will be published at 9:30am on 31 May 2019.

  37. Announced for publication on Wednesday 30 January 2019 a Universal Credit statistical ad hoc: 'Gender of bank account holders on Universal Credit'.

  38. Announced for publication on Thursday 1 November 2018 of 'Characteristics of disabled people in employment: April to June 2017'.

  39. The upcoming publication of 'Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) underpayments: forecast numbers affected, forecast expenditure and progress on checking' was incorrectly announced as a release of Official Statistics. It has now been correctly announced for publication (still on 17 October 2018) as a release of management information and ad hoc analysis.

  40. Announced for publication on Wednesday 17 October of 'Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) underpayments: forecast numbers affected, forecast expenditure and progress on checking'.

  41. Announced for publication on Monday 9 July 2018 of 'Length of payment delays for new claims to Universal Credit'.

  42. Announced for publication on 11 January 2018 of an ad hoc statistical release: 'Removal of automatic entitlement to housing costs for 18-21 year olds in Universal Credit'.

  43. Announced for publication on 18 December 2017 an update to the 'Work and Pensions Select Committee PIP and ESA assessments inquiry: supporting statistics', first published on 4 December 2017.

  44. Announced publication on 14 December 2017 of 'State Pension top up statistics'.

  45. Announced for publication on 4 December 2017 of an ad hoc statistical release: 'Work and Pensions Select Committee PIP and ESA assessments inquiry: supporting statistics'.

  46. Announced publication on 22 November 2017 of 'Income Dynamics: movements between quintiles'.

  47. Announced for publication on 24 October 2017 of an ad hoc statistical release: 'Support for Mortgage Interest claimants: capital limits, mortgage capital, HOLD mortgage sales and Income Support claimants by housing tenure'.

  48. Announced for publication on 2 October 2017, updates to the ad hoc statistics for Universal Credit payment timeliness and Universal Credit payment advances first published on 15 September 2017.

  49. Announced the publication on 15 September 2017 of 3 ad hoc statistical releases: 'Universal Credit payment timeliness', 'Universal Credit waiting days' and 'Universal Credit payment advances'.

  50. Announced publication on 30 August 2017 of 'Child Support Agency arrears transitioned to the Child Maintenance Service system'.

  51. Announced publication on 24 August 2017 of an ad hoc statistical release 'Analysis of migrants’ access to income-related benefits'.

  52. Announced publication on 23 March 2017 of 'In Work Progression trial update'.

  53. Announced publication on 15 February 2017 of 'Nationality at point of National Insurance Number registration of DWP working age benefit claimants in Wales'.

  54. Announced publication on 16 December 2016 of 'Child Maintenance Service client satisfaction' and 'Child Maintenance Options service client satisfaction' statistics.

  55. Announced publication on 2 December 2016 of 'The spending power of disabled people and their families in 2014/15'.

  56. Announced publication on 24 October 2016 of 'The spending power of disabled people and their families in 2014/15'.

  57. Announced publication on 17 October 2016 of 'Access to Work Digital Service Statistics'.

  58. Announced publication on 7 October 2016 of 'Sorting out separation website statistics: December 2012 to December 2015'.

  59. Announced publication on 27 October 2016 of 'Estimates of the separated family population'.

  60. Announced publication on 25 August 2016 of 'Analysis of EEA migrants' access to income-related benefits measures'.

  61. Announced publication on 7 July 2016 of 'Universal Credit: Data on alternative payment arrangements' and 'Universal Credit online channel usage'.

  62. Removed a notification about 4 upcoming DWP research publications - these announcements have now been published on the 'Research at DWP' page.

  63. Added 'Growing the social investment market: update on SIFI social investment', 'Qualitative evaluation of the DWP’s Innovation Fund: Final report', 'Evaluation of the prepaid card live test' and 'Evaluation of the Universal Support delivered locally trials' to the list of upcoming ad hoc statistics for 30 November 2015.

  64. Announced ad hoc statistics on State Pension statements issued from April 2014 to April 2016.

  65. Announced ad hoc statistics on Disability Living Allowance claimants in hospital to be published on 27 January 2016.

  66. Removed announcement of ad hoc statistics 'Impact of new State Pension on an individual’s pension entitlement: first 15 years'. This was incorrectly announced as an ad hoc statistics publication but is an ad hoc research publication due on 3 December 2015.

  67. Announced ad hoc statistics 'Impact of new State Pension on an individual's pension entitlement: first 15 years' to be published 3 December 2015.

  68. Removed 'Updated impact of new State Pension reforms' from the list of upcoming ad hoc statistical releases - announced in error.

  69. Added 'Updated impact of new State Pension reforms' to the list of upcoming ad hoc statistics for 30 November 2015.

  70. Added 'Graduated Retirement Benefit: caseloads and average amounts' to the list of upcoming ad hoc statistics for 30 November 2015.

  71. Announced publication of ad hoc statistics on State Pension statements, (data to 31 October 2015), to be published on 19 November 2015.

  72. Announced publication of the 'Fulfilling Potential outcomes and indicators framework: second annual progress report' to be published on 24 November 2015.

  73. Announced statistics on Jobseeker's Allowance and Employment and Support Allowance hardship applications and awards to be published on 18 November 2015.

  74. Announced employment statistics for workers aged 50 and over since 1984 to be published on 6 November 2015.

  75. Announced publication of State Pension statement statistics on 29 September 2015.

  76. Announced statistics to be published on the number of people registering interest in the State Pension top up scheme.

  77. Announced publication of ad hoc statiscs on 10 September 2015 about the number of claimants on Employment and Support Allowance with progressive conditions.

  78. Announced 2 ad hoc statistics publications on 27 August 2015.

  79. Announced publication of statistics about individuals in drug or alcohol treatment in receipt of working-age benefits on 31 July 2015.

  80. Announced publication on 21 July 2015 of statistics about estimates of savings from fraud and error.

  81. Announced publication of ad hoc statistics on Personal Indepence Payment (data to March 2015) on 12 May 2015.

  82. Announced publication of statistics on the number of people who received a new State Pension statement between 1 September 2014 and 6 March 2015.

  83. Published announcement of upcoming statistics on older workers by sector.

  84. Announced publication of statistics on 'Work Capability Assessment Support Group Outcomes and Disability Benefit History of ESA claimants by Age' on 27 February 2015.

  85. Announced analysis of Lower earnings limit and multiple jobs (1996/97 to 2013/14) to be published on 24 Feb 2015.

  86. Added details of upcoming release of ad hoc statistics on benefit and tax credit expenditure growth (1951 to 2015).

  87. Announced an ad hoc publication on Pension Credit customers.

  88. Published pre-announcement of ad hoc statistics on the PIP 16 week commitment and ad hoc statistics to support the review of the Pensions Act 2007.

  89. Published announcement of an ad hoc statistics publication on the audio recording of Work Capability Assessments.

  90. Announced ad hoc statistics on 'Mandatory reconsiderations: requests and decisions to October 2014' to be published on 17 Dec 2014.

  91. Announced ad hoc statistics on Labour market status by ethnic group due to be published on 9 Dec 2014.

  92. Announced the publication of Day One Support for Young People Trailblazer: Preliminary Impact Analysis on 27 November 2014.

  93. Announced the publication of the Work Capability Assessment fifth independent review supporting statistics on 27 November 2014.

  94. Updated announcement for publication on number of people receiving a new State Pension statement. Publication has been delayed until 18 November 2014 to coincide with a Ministerial engagement.

  95. Published details of upcoming ad hoc publication on the number of people receiving a new State Pension statement.

  96. Announced the publication on 3 November 2014 of In-work Housing Benefit: Analysis of on-flows and off-flows of in-work Housing Benefit claims.

  97. Announced the publication on 22 October 2014 of the exploratory analysis and comparison of Universal Credit and Jobseeker's Allowance outcomes.

  98. Published details of upcoming release of stats on children in out-of-work benefit households (scheduled for publication on 30 September 2014).

  99. Published details of upcoming ad-hoc statistical release on Household wealth, scheduled for publication on 29 September 2014.

  100. Published information about the forthcoming release of Discretionary Social Fund statistics.

  101. Published details of forthcoming ad-hoc statistical release: Annual net income of households containing a disabled person 2012/13.

  102. Published details of new upcoming ad hoc publication - the number of claimants on one of the main DWP working-age benefits for at least three out of the previous four years, by local authority.

  103. Added further details of ad hoc ststistics to be published on 15 July 2014.

  104. Added details of ad hoc ststistics to be published on 15 July 2014.

  105. Published details of latest upcoming ad-hoc release: Paralympic data from the ONS Opinions and Lifestyle Survey.

  106. Published details of 3 new upcoming ad hoc releases: 'Use of Discretionary Housing Payments', 'Child poverty transitions research' and 'Analysis of the characteristics that make it hard for families to escape poverty.'

  107. Added 'Fuller working lives: background evidence', due for publication on 13 June 2014, to the list of forthcoming statistical publications.

  108. Added updated list of upcoming ad hoc statistics for 30 May 14.

  109. Published announcement of new upcoming ad hoc statistical release - Youth Unemployment Innovation Fund Pilot: Starts and Outcomes.

  110. Updated list of upcoming ad hoc statistical releases.

  111. New ad-hocs announced: 'Social security expenditure in the United Kingdom, including Scotland', 'Long term projections of social security expenditure in the United Kingdom, including Scotland' and 'Jobseekers Allowance (JSA) Claimant Commitment: Management Information covering the Claimant Commitment.'

  112. New ad-hoc Sorting Out Separation Web App: Analysis of Management Information announced for release on 13 March 2014.

  113. New ad-hoc announced, Income Support Lone Parents by Jobcentre Plus district and age of youngest child.

  114. New ad-hoc announced for Personal Independence Payment: Management Information to be published on 11 February 2014

  115. Added new ad hoc pre-announcement for 7 Feb 14 - Long term sickness absence in GB / the UK: Analysis of the Labour Force Survey, October 2010 - September 2013.

  116. Announced new ad hoc publication of job starts for individuals on the Troubled Families programme.

  117. New adhoc announced for 28 January 2014 - ESF Support for families with multiple problems: Job outcome rates

  118. Ad-hoc pre-announcement 'Employment of UK and Foreign Nationals by region' removed. There are currently no pre-announced ad hoc statistical releases due to be published.

  119. New adhoc, Employment of UK and Foreign Nationals by region added.

  120. Added new pre-announcement on - Proportion of private sector employees eligible for automatic enrolment saving into a workplace pension.

  121. New ad hoc pre-announcement on - free school meal entitlement and poverty in England.

  122. New ad hoc statistics release announced – Proportion of private sector employees eligible for automatic enrolment saving into a workplace pension.

  123. New ad-hoc announced - Statistics to support the Fourth Independent Review of the Work Capability Assessment

  124. New ad-hoc release added for 20 December - Use of Discretionary Housing Payments - Analysis of mid-year returns from local authorities

  125. Ad hoc statistical release about the review of the automatic enrolment earnings trigger and qualifying earnings band announced for 17 December 2013.

  126. Listed "The single-tier pension and derived entitlement to basic State Pension" for 13/12/13

  127. New ad hoc pre-announcement on the Diffuse Mesothelioma Payment Scheme.

  128. New ad-hoc announced for 6 December 2013 - Support for the very long term unemployed trailblazer - longer term analysis of benefit impacts

  129. Announced new ad hoc statistical release to be published on 21 Nov 2013.

  130. New ad-hoc announced for 25 November 2013 on the 2012 Scheme administered by the Child Maintenance Service.

  131. Published new list of upcoming ad hoc statistical releases.

  132. Published new list of upcoming ad hoc statistical releases.

  133. Announced new ad hoc statistical release to be published on 18 Oct 2013.

  134. New list of upcoming ad hoc statistical releases published.

  135. New list of upcoming ad hoc statistical releases published.

  136. New ad hoc publications announced for August 2013.

  137. New ad hoc statistics publication announced for 26 July 2013.

  138. New statistical publications to be published on 16 July 2013 and 19 July 2013 announced.

  139. List of scheduled upcoming ad hoc statistical releases updated

  140. First published.

  141. New ad hoc release dates added and past ones removed.

  142. New publications added to the 'List of scheduled upcoming ad hoc statistical releases' spreadsheet.

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