Local area walking and cycling in England: 2010 to 2011
Statistics on walking and cycling amongst adults (aged 16 and over) in England, by local area.
Applies to England, Northern Ireland and Wales
Information on walking and cycling amongst adults (aged 16 and over) in England, by local area. This is the first release of these statistics.
The statistics are based on results from the Active People Survey (APS), an annual household telephone survey administered by Sport England.
During the year ending October 2011:
- 10% of adults cycle at least once per week. This figure varies significantly by area, from over 50% to less than 5%
- 11% of adults cycle for at least half an hour, at least once per month. Across different areas, this proportion ranges from 35% to 4%
- amongst those who do some cycling for at least half an hour, 16% always do so for utility purposes (getting from place to place), rather than for recreation or health reasons
- 71% of adults walk for at least half an hour, at least once per month. Across different areas, this proportion ranges from over 80% to around 60%
- 23% of those who do some walking for at least half an hour do so exclusively for utility purposes. The share of utility walking is highest in London, where 35% of those who walk do so only for utility purposes
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Technical information
Information on walking and cycling statistics, including the pre-release access list, and related technical documentation are available.
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Walking and cycling statistics
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