Local area walking and cycling in England: 2012 to 2013
Cycling and walking statistics in England, by local authority and region, for the year ending mid-October 2013.
This publication presents a range of statistics on walking and cycling in England by adults aged 16 and over. It includes proportions of the population who walk or cycle at different frequencies, both for all purposes and broken down by recreational or utility purposes. It also includes the time per day people usually spend walking or cycling, when they do so.
Main results
For the year ending mid-October 2013:
about 87% of adults in England walked or cycled at least once a month in 2012 to 2013. About 15% cycle, and about 86% walk once per month.
the prevalence of cycling in England (at least once a month) reduced from 15.3% to 14.7% in the year to October 2013 compared to the previous year. Although the change is small, the size of the sample means that we can be confident that this decrease exists in the whole of the English population.
about 10% of people cycle recreationally (cycling for the pleasure of it) at least once per month, and 7% cycle for utility purposes at least once per month (for example commuting, shopping or visiting friends).
43% walk for at least 10 minutes at least once per week recreationally, and 47% do so for utility purposes at least once per week.
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