Local authority collected waste management - annual results 2021/22
Final annual results for local authority collected waste generation and management for England.
Applies to England
The accompanying ENV18 2021 -2022 datasets can be found at: ENV18 - Local authority collected waste: annual results tables 2021/22 - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
This publication covers annual final estimates for waste collected by local authorities in England and the regions. These statistics are based on data submitted by all local authorities in England to WasteDataFlow on the waste they collect and manage.
The methodology and recycling explainer documents give background and context to this statistical notice, accompanying datasets and the waste and recycling measures they present.
There is also a further historical note on the definition of local authority collected waste relating to earlier releases.
The February 2017 ad hoc release on this page related to data for April-September 2016. The data was provisional not having been through full data quality assurance. They are not official statistics. Data was not included for local authorities where this has either not yet been submitted or had not been through initial data quality assurance checks. This provisional release was replaced by the “Statistics on waste managed by local authorities in England 2016 to 2017” National statistics publication.
Defra statistics: environment
Email enviro.statistics@defra.gov.uk
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