Accredited official statistics

Local authority registered provider pre-release access list

Published 25 October 2022

Applies to England


Equality of access to official statistics is a fundamental principle of statistical good practice and the Pre-release Access to Official Statistics Order 2008 restricts the privileged access to official statistics (including national statistics) in their final form before their release into the public domain. In accordance with this, we have removed pre-release access to our statistics in all but exceptional circumstances. Pre-release access does not include those individuals who:

  • produce and publicise the statistics (including those responsible for oversight of the process).
  • are asked to quality assure the statistics before their public release. [footnote 1]

Pre-release access to 2021/22 statistics

No pre-release access was granted to these statistics.

Internal access

For transparency, the list below provides details of the roles within RSH who participated in the production of these statistics or required them for operational activity. These individuals are all instructed to keep the statistics secure and under embargo until their release. As part of this they are explicitly requested to:

  • not disclose the statistics or any part of the publication to anyone not directly involved with the production.
  • not refer to any levels or trends in any materials (excepting where raw LADR data has been analysed separately for internal work on specific operational elements for regulatory purposes).
  • not use their access for personal gain or political advantage by exploiting their access to change the content, presentation or timing of publication of official statistics.
Role Purpose Date access granted
RSH staff members    
Head of data and statistics Data collection, analysis and statistics production  
Data project analysts and data analysts Data collection, analysis and statistics production  
Support officers Data collection, analysis and statistics production  
Director of strategy Quality assurance and oversight 26/09/2022
Assistant director of Business Intelligence Quality assurance and oversight 26/07/2022
Head of economics Analysis for operational purposes 30/09/2022
Economists and research analysts Analysis for operational purposes 30/09/2022
Head of communications Preparation of release and announcement 07/10/2022
Communications manager Preparation of release and announcement 14/10/2022
Assistant director of Policy and Communications Preparation of release and announcement 14/10/2022
Deputy chief executive Preparation of announcement 9.30am 24/10/2022
Chief executive Preparation of announcement 9.30am 24/10/2022
  1. During our data cleaning and quality assurance processes, LADR data is shared with statisticians at the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities to help ensure the quality of both the LADR and the LA housing statistics datasets.