Official Statistics

Market access barrier statistics: financial year 2022 to 2023 pre-release access list

Updated 24 June 2024

Protocol 2 of the Code of Practice for Official Statistics requires that access to releases before public release is limited to those people essential for production and publication, and for quality assurance and operational purposes.

Pre-release access may only be granted in accordance with the rules and principles set out in the Pre-release Access to Official Statistics Order 2008. In addition, Protocol 2 requires that records are published of those who have access prior to public release.

This document contains a list of the Department for Business and Trade’s (DBT) recipients of pre-release access for the Market access barrier statistics: financial year 2022 to 2023:

  • Secretary of State for DBT
  • Permanent Secretary for DBT
  • Second Permanent Secretary and Chief Trade Negotiation Adviser
  • Director General in Strategy and Investment
  • Director General Trade Negotiations
  • Director of Analysis Group
  • Director of Bilateral Trade Relations
  • Head of Market Access Strategic Engagement
  • Head of Trade Negotiations and Communications
  • Special Advisor - Communications
  • Head of News
  • Press Officer
  • Private Secretaries (x 3)